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Forums Forums Astrology experiences of mars transiting 10th house?

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    i’ve currently got mars transiting the 10th, and seem to be finding professional relationships difficult. I’m picking arguments with clients or challenging them on inappropriate behaviour (with good reason in my eyes), only seem to want to work for myself. I wonder if it’s a form of self sabotage because deep inside I want to work on my own projects.

    can anyone feed back to me on if you’ve had similar experiences? I’ve also got uranus in the 10th squaring my moon in 7th which could be something to do with it.

    Would welcome any feedback. Things are a bit tough at the moment.

  • experiences of mars transiting 10th house?

    vanillashore updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • takemetoasia

    January 29, 2021 at 10:15 pm

    OH HEEEEEY. My 10th house cusp is Pisces but my 11th house doesn’t begin till 18 degrees Aries…

    When Mars was in Aries it kept bobbing in and out of my 10th and 11th for 6 months after it had already been in my 10th in Pisces. Squared my Sun and opposed my Moon multiple times. Back and forth. Snip snap snip snap.

    Couple that with Neptune in Pisces and Chiron in Aries also currently hanging out in my 10th and Uranus aspecting my MC…

    What I want to DO and how I want to PRESENT myself has easily been my focus for the last year. Career confusion. Not sure where to go. Feeling like I’m just stuck or needing to wait, but ultimately wanting to find freedom in my career. Redefining work. Holding myself accountable with goals.

    There were also times I felt myself rushing and getting ready to make a mistake. Learned to slow down.

    And most importantly, learned about keeping my ego in check. Practicing taking that small moment before responding to an email, client, or coworker has saved me so much grief I feel (and my job) because I was ready to snap at every issue. Most frustrations for me are worked out through exercise or therapy. Try to make a habit of doing an internal audit so that any feelings that can’t be dealt with right away will be expressed in a healthy way as soon as possible.

    Best of luck to you!!

  • Lotusbabes

    January 29, 2021 at 10:15 pm

    Full edit: would explore those aspects. Uranus is a higher soul energy so that may bring pressure to move out of perceived mundane. Squaring moon needs clear inner communication and honesty. What sign is your moon.

  • vanillashore

    January 29, 2021 at 10:15 pm

    Well, mars transiting my 10th house was hard. I usually avoid arguments (libra sun/stellium) but at that time I had a lot of challenges and a major argument. Relationships at work were very difficult. At the end I decided to quit,something I was longing for but I wouldn’t have had the courage to do it if those arguments wouldn’t have happened.
    I also became more assertive which was good.

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