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Forums Forums Tarot Feeling Out of Touch?

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  • #560382 Reply

    Hi all,

    I have been feeling very off with reading lately and I am not sure why. I used to be able to "feel" what the cards were saying before I even drew them, but now it's almost like they've all gone quiet. It just seems like I just cannot get in touch with them anymore. I've cleansed & charged with incense and sound, and tried different decks also, but nothing seems to really help me "connect" anymore.

    For a bit of backstory: I've been reading since I was 8 (I'm 32 now). I've always been able to read people like a BOOK, but I've always had trouble reading myself. I think I just am too close to the situation and it's hard for me to grasp what they're trying to say. I also have trouble reading friends because of the same reason. Now it just seems like the issue is spilling over into just everyone now. I'm not sure what's going on but I hate it and I feel like I've lost a great tool that I used to aid me a lot in life.


    Decks I'm using (because I'm sure someone would be curious!). I didn't try these all at once, just have been using them sporadically, but now some are on a selenite charging plate and the rest are in a box.

    • Fenestra Tarot (my favorite and long-standing deck)
    • Light Seers Tarot
    • Etherial Visions
    • Manga Tarot
    • Tarot Art Noveau

Reply to: GnosticWitch666
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0 of 0 posts June 2018