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Forums Forums Psychic Feeling the energy of places – how do you protect yourself?

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    I have always been able to sense the energies of places very well. Some places feel light and happy to me while others just seem insanely negative. I’m sure some of you know what I’m talking about.

    Now, the issue is that I live very close to an area that has awful energy. It’s a pretty large area and even thinking about it makes me feel terrible.
    In this area, accidents happen very frequently and always in the same spots, there’s an extremely high rate of suicide and most people who live there are physically and/or mentally ill. I have no idea what causes this terrible energy, I have looked a bit into the history of this area and it might have something to do with World War Two but I‘m not exactly sure. Or another theory of mine is that it has something to do with the mountains, which are very high, steep and close to each other.

    So anyway, the issue is that I have gotten even more sensitive to these energies in the past few years, to the point where I am now unable to enter this area because it affects me too much mentally and physically.

    Now my question is, how do I protect myself from these energies?

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