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Forums Forums Mediums For Mediums That Use Objects In Readings – What Happens If A Client Brings An Object That Is Specifically Theirs Or Belongs To A Living Person?

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    A bit of curiosity. I’ve also thought about going to a medium and seeing what happens.

    Example… Say I bring an old diary of mine. Does the medium just pick up more strongly on my energy? Are they just able to see images and energy of who/what I was when the writings were taking place? Are they communicating with spirits about the diary? Maybe talking to my younger self?

    I’m interested in hearing if this has ever been done before.

  • For Mediums That Use Objects In Readings – What Happens If A Client Brings An Object That Is Specifically Theirs Or Belongs To A Living Person?

    vittoriaangel updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • ChapterMaster87

    February 2, 2021 at 7:23 pm

    It could work, it depends if they’re used to doing it i’d assume.

    I was taught mediumship by doing this specifically, reading objects/artwork/pictures etc before moving on to a few helpful volunteers.

    What I found was I’d mediate, ask spirit to aid me, and then begin to see images or information relating to the object/picture etc etc.

    You’d get information about people, places, hobbies, names, numbers etc etc.

    With experienced and decent mediums (I am currently neither of those things lol), you wouldn’t have to bring an item but you could if you wanted to.

    If you have any questions I’m willing to try and answer them and I hope this may have been some help in regards to your question.

  • vittoriaangel

    February 2, 2021 at 7:23 pm

    It’s called Psychometry’ and many people are great at reading objects – I have met a few. Its believed that all objects that had a special connection to people living or deceased (example a ring) carries a plethora of energy (attached to it) of that very person that some readers can pick up on. Some people can read only objects in relation to the person who used it, and some cannot read any objects or a mix of both – everyone has a set of gifts that are divine and’s def. a wonderful gift

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