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Forums Forums Tarot Four of wands reversed real meaning?

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    I’ve seen some sources claim that four of wands being reversed boost the upright meaning of the card. But others say it means instability, conflict and stuff like that, basically the flipped meaning of upright.

    What does this card really mean and why do people have such different opinions?

  • Four of wands reversed real meaning?

     badbean666 updated 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • divinelight3333

    November 15, 2022 at 8:01 am

    I wouldn’t say conflict, no. Upright is celebration and joy, reversed it could be a less obvious form of that, or a need to recognize that things are better than are realized.

  • AutoModerator

    November 15, 2022 at 8:01 am

    **Looks like you’ve mentioned reversals! Reversals are a reoccurring topic here and are [explained in our FAQ](**

    Reversals are cards that are dealt upside down in a reading. Some people choose to read these cards differently than if they were dealt right side up. This is completely optional – everyone’s tarot technique is different. Some people find reversals bring more depth to a reading, while others find that they obscure or muddle interpretation.

    A reversed card can be read multiple ways; it can be interpreted as the opposite of the card’s upright meaning, or that the card’s upright meaning is somehow blocked, concealed, ignored or delayed. It can also be read as an indication that the “action” of the card is happening – or needs to happen – internally.

    [See recent discussions on reversals here](

    *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/tarot) if you have any questions or concerns.*

  • paisleyrose25

    November 15, 2022 at 8:01 am

    This is where the deck really matters. In the RWS tradition, the 4 of Wands is one of the few cards whose meaning does not change when the card is reversed (and that’s according to Waite.) But other decks may not follow this tradition. I’ve seen some where reversed just means a delay- the celebration is coming but it will happen later than anticipated. And there are some decks where it can mean that the celebration may be a little unstable. I myself see it as kind of a “hot mess.” Still happy, still good- but definitely chaotic, and will require a little cleanup after, but the memories will be worth it.

  • Uisgah

    November 15, 2022 at 8:01 am

    I’m not one who sees the Fours as entirely positive, since Four suggests both stability and stagnation. I recently did a reading where the reversed 4 of Cups indicated an emotional catharsis, as if the chalices relieved themselves of their stale contents by spilling it out. If the 4 of Wands reaches stalemate, I could see it losing traction and spinning its wheels when reversed. The minor Fours all carry at least a whiff of inertia, and reversal could exaggerate it..

Reply to: badbean666
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