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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Friends, I have a breast biopsy tomorrow and I’m scared

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    I haven’t told a ton of people in my life because I don’t know for sure that anything is really wrong, but boy howdy did my ultrasound on Monday look….complicated (and very different from the ultrasound I had in January!).

    I’m only 29, I don’t have any significant family history of breast cancer, and I feel like I’m stuck in a dinghy in the middle of the ocean. How sore am I going to be tomorrow after the biopsy? How long do pathology results take to come back? If I do get bad news how do I tell people? If I don’t get bad news what the hell else could this be???

    If any of you have stories of similar experiences to share I’d appreciate them. I feel like I’m the only person I know who’s been through this.

    Edit: thank you all so much for your kind words. I’ve been so comforted <3 I’m gonna get through this, I promise.

  • Friends, I have a breast biopsy tomorrow and I’m scared

  • Live_Perspective3603

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I went through this a few years ago, so I understand how scary this part can be. The pain wasn’t bad, but the waiting for results was hard. Doctors kept telling me to get an appointment right away, which scared me, then the first available appointment would be weeks later, which also scared me, but that’s normal to them.

    Remember that until you get definitive results, it could turn out to be nothing to worry about. Dense breast tissue, cysts, and lots of other things are harmless but look weird on a scan. It’s great that you’re getting it checked out. Even if it does need to be dealt with, it’s easier to treat the earlier it’s caught.

    I know this isn’t easy, but try to laugh as much as you can. I kept busy with an engaging book series to keep my mind occupied between appointments. Ask all the questions you want to, talk about it when you want to, and feel free to tell people when you need to NOT talk about it for a while. I know it sounds dismissive to say “keep your spirits up” and “think positive,” but the truth is that an oncologist I once worked for told me that patients who stayed optimistic had noticeably better outcomes. I was lucky, my sister kept me laughing throughout the months of testing, treatment and recovery. She once showed up to take me to an appointment with a coconut bra that she had made from an actual coconut. The surgeon who did my post-mastectomy reconstruction loved it and asked if she could keep it. Listen to your doctors and keep your appointments, but don’t let anyone define you by this.

    If this turns out to be something worrisome, look into the Breast Cancer Coalition, the Accidental Amazon website, and of course, here. Feel free to message me any time. And remember that most oncologists have social workers on staff who are like really amazing concierges, who can help you find answers to nearly any question. One once helped me get a huge medical bill cut down to almost nothing, with a couple of phone calls.

    Please keep us updated. We’re all rooting for you. And if you think “thoughts and prayers” don’t help, read Bruce Lipton’s The Biology of Belief or anything by David R. Hamilton, Ph.D. in chemistry. He quotes study after study proving that the mind does have a profound impact on the body.

    You’ve got this, and you’re not alone!

  • Romulanboy

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    Breast of luck, in all seriousness I hope everything goes well for you health wise

  • Viperbunny

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I am sending good vibes your way. I haven’t had this kind of biopsy done, but I have had lots of medical procedures. It’s okay to be nervous. That is natural. Take deep breaths. No matter what the results are it is going to be okay. Finding out is better than not knowing. Hopefully, it’s nothing. If it ends up being more, then you are going to get some good information. Waiting is the worse part.

  • spongebobmesquareboi

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I had a breast biopsy last year at age 24, I would say the operation itself is not that scary, I actually didn’t feel anything during the operation and was just lying there chilling and listening to the doctor and nurse explain what they are going to do and what might happen next, and I can also drive myself home after so I’d say it’s a nice experience, the only downside is I have to refrain from heavy lifting and exercise for 48 hours. The test result came back in like 5 days or so? I couldn’t remember the exact dates…

  • stepheme

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    Here’s the good news. Really. Even if it’s a cancer diagnosis (worst case right?) if this is just what’s changed between January and now they’ve caught it early and most forms of breast cancer are super treatable when caught early. Otherwise, it’s a cyst or something we girls get in our breasts (which in ultrasounds look like space… breast tissue is so remarkable and unique) they’ll figure out what kind of tissue it is (I thought of my non cancerous lumps as juvenile delinquents.. just cells not doing what they were supposed to but not really good at screwing things up). Also, to agree with earlier comments.. biopsies aren’t awful… get a couple of bags of frozen peas (seriously, no ice bag can compete.. the peas shift best to spread cold to tissue and you can just pitch the bags after). Also, and this is only in case… the cancer society has so many resources for some of your questions. Finally, you are NOT alone… but you should allow yourself complete control over if and when you tell the people in your family about this episode (when it works out good, yea, or if there’s a diagnosis needing treatment) because you MUST take care of yourself.. and sometimes people can make it about themselves. Don’t stress, knowledge in this case is definitely power..

  • nickfolesknee

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    So I had an ultrasound and a mammogram that didn’t match up (it’s called discordant) so I had a core needle biopsy. The results were still discordant, so I had an excisional biopsy that removed the whole mass. It turned out to be a benign but weird thing-dense stromal fibrosis. My breasts are super cystic and dense, so that might have contributed to all the confusion and strange findings.

    The pain after the core needle biopsy wasn’t bad, but the excisional biopsy was really painful. I had to wear a compression type of garment for awhile, and then wireless bras.

    Now I can barely see the scar and my breast almost looks like it did before. It’s a little smaller and the shape is off, but it’s amazing how well it healed.

    The odds are in your favor, and I will be sending you supportive energy. I remember how scared I was during the whole process. It’s a blur now, but just remember to eat and take each day as it comes.

    Good luck!

  • agedchromosomes

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I had a surgical biopsy at age 39 and a needle biopsy in my 50’s. I was out for the surgical one and numbed for the needle biopsy. Neither one bothered me very much. They gave me these cute little round freezer packs to put in my bra. It was business as usual the next day. Had to wait for the results snd that was nerve wracking. I was fine as are most people, but you need to get checked to be sure. I am hoping you have the same experience and good news. As another poster said… waiting is the worst part. You’ve got this!

  • carennie_noturwench

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I went through this in 2006 or so. I was 40, and it was after my first mammogram. Really hope you’re NOT going to the Cal Pacific Medical Breast Center, they suck.

    First of all, call your PCP or your OB/GYN TODAY and get a prescription for Valium/Diazepam. One to three doses will get you through it. The place where I went did not supply this, and you want to take it before you get there. Hell, call your dentist if you have to.

    The assholes who did my biopsy DID NOT provide a local anesthetic, either. So some white guy doctor cut into my breast in the middle of my period without any painkillers. I wanted to bash his skull in with a rock. Push the doctors if you have to – do not allow them to do this. Fake whatever illness or mental anguish you have to, get something to numb the area.

    Also insist that they call you with results. No waiting for some goddamn certified letter, though they may do both.

    I’m not going to blow sunshine here, but the odds are in your favor. They are super-over-cautious in regards to breast health, and most biopsies come back benign. Especially since there’s no family history. I have dense breasts, and I hate mammograms, but I go through this teeth-gnashing anxiety every year. You got people on your side, looking out for you.

    IF it is the worst-case scenario, be frightened, be angry, whine and complain a lot, and then once that’s all over with, get on with it. Breast cancer is one of the easier ones to treat with high rates of survivability (pancreatic cancer and ovarian cancer have terrible odds). The treatments are varied and widely available. But the odds are still on your side, it’s not as likely to get to that point anyway.

    Sending positive healing vibes your way. Make sure you do time off, rest, and stuff that makes you feel serene and relaxed for the 24 hours afterwards. You got this.

    Oh, and I got a gift bag after my biopsy. I’m in pain, I am super-pissed off, and I got a goodie bag with treats and personal care products. It was so absurd. Again, I wanted to bash skulls, but I took a cab home and that was that. Benign. Except, when I went back a year later, they had no record of me being a patient, and getting medical records out of them for my new practitioner involved attorneys. Anything that happens to you is bound to be better than that goddamn circus.

  • happylilstego

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I hope it’s nothing, like a swollen lymph node.

  • throwaway37559381

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    Prayers for you 🙏

  • OldTiredAnnoyed

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I’m an old nurse & statistically the odds are in your favour. The majority of people who get a biopsy get good or better than expected news. I know nothing will stop you worrying, but I hope you can take a little comfort from knowing that it’s unlikely your world will be turned upside down by this. Good luck & try to get some rest.

  • -BakedChicken-

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I had a biopsy earlier this year. I’m similar in age to you, 28. To be honest, it was really scary during the procedure. I have a terrible fear of needles, and made the mistake of looking at what they were using. My advice is to bring good headphones/earbuds, blast music, and don’t watch. I didn’t feel anything but slight pressure, and the next day I felt ok physically. It was a little sore, like a deep bruise, but it wasn’t bad. I think I was more emotionally upset than physically. I had to wait longer than they told me for the results, which freaked me out. I don’t mean to make it seem worse than it is- everyone is different, and this is just an account of my personal experience. I hope it helps to know that I didn’t feel really any pain during or after- it just felt like I had bumped my breast on a corner pretty hard.

    Edit- it wasn’t cancerous, but they asked me to come back in a year. Please take care of yourself, and do whatever makes you feel better. I honestly broke down crying when I came home, I felt really disturbed because it’s so invasive. The best thing (in my opinion) you can do is make sure you take special care of yourself and not worry- worrying won’t change anything. Do things you love, and stay close to people you love. Please feel free to message if you need someone to listen ❤️ no judgement here.

  • WitchOfAvalon

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    I have had two biopsies, thankfully benign both times.

    Depending on how deep they need to go, you may be sore longer than average, but personally the pain level wasnt too bad for me, try not to scratch at the healing spots. I think i received my results within a week…

    Also if you start feeling more pain during the biopsy, TELL THEM. My second procedure the doctor went a bit farther than what was numbed and i thought it would still be okay feeling a little extra pain until i heard the click and a very sharp pain that made me cry. (he immediately renumbed me thankfully, but just that one was stressful enough that I was hyper aware of every other click of the biopsy needle afraid that it would hurt again, i was miserable for the rest of the day because of the stress)

  • PotatoLover-3000

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    4 out of 5 breast biopsies are usually negative for cancer. That’s a 20% chance of a positive biopsy. I like statistics so I hope this helps. I would take it day by day and wouldn’t worry with some of those questions until you get results.

    Also hope you get through today and the next week with the least stress as possible. Good luck!,or%20suspicious%20area%20is%20cancer.

  • orangeflowerdress

    July 25, 2022 at 7:11 pm

    Here for you in spirit sister

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