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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing From noob to master, how to be awesome at witchcraft with no tools or experience. 3 steps guide

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    πŸ«΅πŸΌπŸ™πŸΌπŸ˜‡πŸ“–πŸ›‘οΈπŸ«‚ (Pretty please read the removal reasons we give to the posts we remove, they give a ton of insight on how to proceed; mods love you when you get to access independently the board resources.)

    Now, to the quick guide to how to become a witchy pro if you're broke or not having space for things.

    1. Nature!

    Literally go outside. Touch some grass, smell the fresh air, listen to the birds, walk barefoot. Look at the stars, admire the moon, hug the trees, go cloud hunting. Become a child again and meet your Great Mother Earth. She loves you!

    Also enjoy little things. Rocks, sticks and feathers are awesome talismans, cleansing tools, divination friends. Go watch videos on the diversity of cultures across the globe. See how others connect with the world around.

    In a big city? A park is perfect. While walking your dog you can do a lot of witchy things if you just open your mind to it.

    1. Meet the most wonderful person in your life: YOU!

    You deserve love, healing, prosperity and happiness. Even when things are difficult and you get sick or in an accident, take the tame to understand what you feel and how it affects you. It won't be always love and light but, as long as you learn how to find the lost treasure in the storm, you're basically invincible.

    The secret to a long life is to listen to your body and realise the only control you got over this existence is the reaction to the events.

    Be mad and cry, then rise your hands towards the rainbow. You are your own ray of sunshine.

    For this you can try therapy, shadow work prompts, journaling, reading self improvement books, participating in group works and find a comunity with similar interests.

    1. Be a sponge

    Seriously, whenever you find cool people, learn from them as much as you can. If you're feed misinformation, learn to switch lanes and adapt to the new descovery.

    You find interest in anything? Read all there is about the topic. Nomnom through every book, article, comment, post, video you can find. Wonder. Create. Search. Wonder some more. Never stop moving forward, even if it's just a small step at times.

    Things will reveal themselves to you on the path of reconnecting with yourself and nature we all are a part of. All the power you need is within you, ready to be discovered.

    There's never fun without a little mud so jump in that puddle!

Reply to: Young-Warrior-00
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