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    Hello everyone,

    I wanted to make a little series of posts to give some tips that guarantee the success of spells.

    There are countless spells out there and so so sooo many ways of casting them.. magick is such a vast world but so are people.

    Magick runs in our family through generations I inherited my grandmother’s pacts after she passed but before that I got my own initiation and had a pact with a lower ranked demon I was still so excited but my first spell didn’t work. Confused I went to my grandmother who did a basic “magick” troubleshooting and there it was. I didn’t make the spell personalised according to the guy’s nature 😅 (it was a love spell and I was 14 so please don’t judge haha).

    Anyway that is when I learned the extreme importance of personalising spells.

    People have natures or elements: Fire, Air, Earth and Water.
    When we cast a spell we have to take that in consideration to have the spell personalised. It’s like taking a generic medication vs doing tests and getting a specific treatment. Both work but the specific one is a 100% guarantee.

    And this is a very easy little detail to add it is not difficult at all. If the spell is for me like a money or luck or anything personal, you do it according to my element. If the spell is for someone else I do it according to theirs, BUT if the spell involves two people like love, obsession, separation, binding any of that, I calculate the element of **both** people and work accordingly.

    How does this happen?
    It is very easy:

    -Fire: You burn it.

    -Air: You hang it in a windy place or throw its ashes to the wind.

    -Earth: You burry it (even stronger if you can burry it under the person’s porch or where they would step)

    -Water: You throw it in a stream of water/You leave it in water then splash it on the person’s porch or on them if you have access and the extreme power is when they drink that.

    Also elements are different for instance Fire is the easiest to to enchant and to cure. Earth is the hardest to enchant but when done it’s very hard to undo the spell.

    I hope this helps 🙏🏻 in a next post I will share how to calculate the elements as they have nothing to do with astrology signs and their elements.

    Ps: I practice ceremonial Black magick that involves working with entities so these tips are given through that knowledge and might not apply to all types of magick.

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