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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Getting my wires cut!

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    I’m childfree by choice. In June 2021, I crossed the age limit in my country for sterilisation and started pursuing it. (Not sure about the flair, sorry)

    Now, the wheels are finally getting put in motion! I just got an appointment for a consultation in September. The operation itself is long way away (if I recall correctly, the wait is two years in my area) but this is a big step in my eyes! I had two preliminary appointments with a GP, this one is with an OB/GYN. I had to see the GPs first, so they’d get me a referral to the OB/GYN. (It’s kind of a mess, but that’s how it goes.)

    Anyway. I’m happy! They have no real reason to deny me the operation, and if they try, I have the law on my side.

  • Getting my wires cut!

  • Potential_Art_4598

    August 15, 2022 at 7:11 am

    Good for you, I finally got a referral on Friday to get mine done. It’s a great feeling to take control of your body, especially now.

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