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Forums Forums Astrology Ghost story/mercury retrograde advice

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    Everyone says things like “Don’t enter into new contracts” or “Don't cut your bangs” or dont “BANG YOUR EX “ 👀 during Mercury Retrograde.

    What if I told you that I bought the house of my dreams during MR(Mercury Retrograde)? We made the offer, did the whole process, and came out the other side with the most magical house we had ever lived in? Okay, lets settle in for story time…

    Once upon a time during the end of C19 my family was wanting to move from CA to WI to be closer to family and to save money (3200 a month for rent in CA 😭 ) and buy a 🏡 . My hubs works from home and his company allowed him to continue to work from home forever. We were all alone w no family in CA so we wanted to move back home.

    Home was WI to hubs and I had lived there previously. Penelope was born there and it was the place that I had ran to when I ran away from TX to save my own life in 2009. I liked WI and wanted P and M to grow up with family and cousins and lots of love, the way I did. Anyway…

    It was the end of 2021 and going into Jan 2022 was MR shadow period. MR started on Jan 14 and went through mid Feb with the final shadow period.

    I was nervous to say the least about buying a home during this time so I asked the universe for guidance. They showed me my energetic body kind of pinging another location in the universe. I sat down and used the 🛡️ shield 🛡️ on my energy body (if you know me than you have heard me talk about your personal shield 🛡️ . I have a 🛡️over my body, my home, and my business) like a little beacon and I started pulsing light into the waves around me. I did this a few times, sending the energy from my home in CA to a new place, unknown to me. After a few days, I felt that the energy had landed somewhere else and that the new shield or what I like to imagine as a geometric shape began to form over my new home, wherever it was.

    Next I found a realtor. I called her and she said she would be happy to help us with our search for our new home. She asked what I was looking for in a house and HERE IS WHERE THE GHOST STORY STARTS:

    Moriah asked me what I was looking for in a house and this story she tells me she tells others as one of the strangest house buying stories she has…

    I told her this: “There is a big house in the country somewhere. Someone just passed away and the other person doesn't want to go back inside. That will be our house.”

    Im sure at the time Moriah thought that was wildly speculative lol 😝 but man she really is the best and went above and beyond in her job…. But anyway…. I gave her the properties we wanted to see. A total of like 6 that were kind of all over WI. On the day of the big drive around and look at the houses (she was driving around and video calling us from each house with the help of Chris’s Dad and my son, Hayden tagging along at a couple) I was sitting in the living room in CA going over my spreadsheet I had made for the homes.

    This man’s voice came booming into my ear and said, “Look at your favorites list.”

    I had a favorites list of houses on the app I was using to look at homes.

    I said no. I had a spreadsheet of the houses Moriah was going to look at, no need to go look at favorites.

    “LOOK AT FAVORITES,” the voice said louder.

    I literally fought w the voice… telling the voice that there was no point… i gestured towards the spreadsheet.

    “LOOK NOW,” it screamed at me.

    FINE, I yelled as I pulled that app (i was annoyed at this point) up and opened it and clicked favorites.

    And there she was. Our house. My favorite of favorites that I had saved the very first day that we had decided that we were moving, back in November of 2021. The house said it was available again although it had been “under contract” for months. My jaw dropped.

    I called M and said forget it all, just go here. She wisely advised that was not smart and to keep the appointments and add this one to the list. At the end of the day she saw that house last, we made an offer on the home and we waited to hear back.

    A few days later our Realtor called me to tell me what she had just heard. She could not believe it. She said that the real estate agent for our house told her that the reason our house was on the market was because one of the owners passed away and the other spouse just can't go back into the home that they spent all their time working on together.

    I asked for the name of the spouse that passed away and she told me. When I got off the phone I said his name and asked if it was him helping me and I instantly knew that it was. To this day, I speak to him here. He is one of my friends at this point.

    We had to have our home inspection (that may not be the word im looking for) and all of this paperwork to go through during this MR time and it was crazy. The amount of back and fourth with our lending company and then I had to get a new driver's license etc, it was a MR nightmare- but I credit a ghost and the universe’s trick of pinging the new location with everything working out so well.

    I guess what I'm saying is, you don't have to be a MMF ( a magical mother f u c k er ) to excel during MR. You just need to stay grounded and move from a place of clear intention and alignment with your higher self. If I had tried to control where we went or only looked in certain places in WI, we would have never discovered this 1896 Queen Anne Home built by a Mason, L C Smith and his wife Fanny.

    Surrender to the universe and let it take you on a wave to where you need to be. When we struggle and fight, we sink. We succumb to MR negative side when we are not listening to what the universe is trying to say. MR is a time of looking back over or going back over… just like i needed to go back over my favorite list. Try to slow down, soften, surrender… and see where it takes YOU.

Reply to: AstronautAshleigh
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