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Forums Forums Mediums Going through a spiritual awakening, I can’t connect to those around me anymore

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    Sorry y’all I’m using a throwaway account I hope that’s okay.

    Hi guys, so as the title says I’m going through a spiritual awakening, my mom met her twin flame and started her journey, which sped up mine. I believe I had started to go through it late 2019 because of a massive life change (I got diagnosed with a life long autoimmune disorder).

    Anyway, so it’s been a lot, I’ve been shedding more and more of my ego as time goes on, which has been hard work but the good days are wonderful. I’m currently in a relationship, but it’s getting harder to connect with him now.

    My partner has a huge ego. Gets very defensive quickly, somewhat judgmental and just overall very hard to connect with now. Things we used to connect over I just don’t understand anymore. Is there a way I could open his eyes to what I’m going through? I really do love him, and occasionally he does talk through his soul and not his ego which are the times that I love him the most because it’s so pure.

    I attempted to recommend guided meditations to him, since my mom and I have been doing those and it really helps during the awakening process, but he shot them down fairly quickly because he didn’t have the time or he wouldn’t be able to focus on them without falling asleep.

    He also doesn’t believe in any of this, which is the hardest part for me. I have hidden a lot of what I’ve gone through from him because I’m afraid he’ll think I’ve gone crazy. My mom is very open about her awakening and he has said to me before that she must’ve lost her mind.

    I’m just not sure what to do here. I’ve lost connections with a lot of people now and I feel so alienated. Any advice would be much appreciated, I didn’t know where else to go with this so please let me know if another sub would be more appropriate. Thank you.

    TL;DR: I’m going through a spiritual awakening and am having trouble connecting with my partner who has a huge ego.

  • Going through a spiritual awakening, I can’t connect to those around me anymore

    c-shadrach updated 3 years, 7 months ago 1 Member · 10 Replies
  • siemprebread

    February 3, 2021 at 10:09 am

    Sweet one. Awakening can be a lonely path in the beginning for most. We shed friends, careers, and even partners.
    I’m sorry, please know you are not alone.

    You are letting in a new awareness of self and the world around you. Your job is not to make others begin their awakening, he has to feel the spark inside himself. If he is unwilling, it is up to you what to do next.

    Follow Sister Shanti on Instagram, she talks alot about the community you loose and then eventually gain on this spiritual journey as well as the loneliness.

  • PrettyPeeved

    February 3, 2021 at 10:09 am

    Sometimes there is a sacrifice between the physical and the spiritual. Not always, but sometimes.

    I feel like I’m a soul trapped in between. I have a hard time connecting with people anymore.

    For you it may be a shift between the types of people you need near you. You may be on a search to find your new tribe. Keep those that feed your soul and those who you can feed without being drained. It’s a shift in balance.

  • imthecrimsonchin

    February 3, 2021 at 10:09 am

    I don’t have any advice to give, but I want you to know I’m in the same boat as you right now and I feel for you. ????

  • Dutch-CatLady

    February 3, 2021 at 10:09 am

    Well I get how you feel, my BF isn’t really into the spiritual as well but he does support me and lets me tell all the experiences I have and even tells me to try again when something doesn’t work out the way I had hoped.

    I do know at first he acted a bit like your partner, huge ego, very defensive and saying kind of hurtful things, but as I told him, I don’t expect him to do the same and follow the same path as I do, I don’t want him to fix my issues for me and coddle me while doing so, I just want him to be supportive and mindful of me like I am for him.

    It took a few talks before we found what we both liked and disliked about confrontation, I like to be treated sensitively, he likes to be reassured that I am not accusing him of anything but just asking him to help with something.

    Relationships are a though road, and some people can’t just accept the way you are. It’s up to you to figure out if you want to give him the time and support to see if he can grow along you or if he stays stuck in this.

    You can choose to try but know you won’t change who he is. If he doesn’t believe in the afterlife then you have to let him have his believe. We want to be free to believe as well. And a spiritual awakening is his to choose, you can’t force it on someone.

  • UnsaltedButterfly

    February 3, 2021 at 10:09 am

    It hurts to break up but it helps to look at it as simply energy. You aren’t an energetic match anymore and that’s perfectly fine. I’m sure you learned a lot getting to this point 🙂

  • FemmeConduit

    February 3, 2021 at 10:09 am

    Awakenings can set your life on a new trajectory with new focus, new goals, and new approaches to living. Many of us who have gone through that experience lose people, either because we no longer aligned or we finally realized the true motivations behind the connection and made a change. Examine the relationship and evaluate whether it’s 1) serving your highest good in the present, and 2) how you will feel about hiding your truth if you stay. You cannot force another to move forward when you want them do; we’re all responsible for our own healing in our own time.

  • twistedsister1260

    February 3, 2021 at 10:09 am

    Experiencing this too. I’m living with a family member who is becoming more and more toxic by the day. I’ve never been happier- but the happier I get, the more angry she gets. So, it’s now move-out time! Getting my own beautiful place! I recommend finding your own space- whether emotional or physical. It could be anything from your own room in the house to a new friend group. Make it yours and make it separate.

  • rcalk1

    February 3, 2021 at 10:09 am

    My cousin just broke up with her boyfriend of 19 years because she was going through her awakening. It can be isolating if you let it. If you are fixated on your partner, it would be hard to see the infinite possibilities ahead. I am going through an awakening as well. I have been struggling with depression and anxiety pretty badly. I work 3rd shift now too, so that hasn’t helped. I am trying to grow while going through all these things. I have had to distance myself from old friends. My best advice is to allow vs fighting the flow. It’s so hard to do. I know because I constantly resist it and that’s why I have a lot of the issues I have! It’s so hard to do with that bit of ego still inside you. You have to make your decision on your own. I think you know what feels right, though.

  • Dingdonghearbell

    February 3, 2021 at 10:09 am

    Relationships take work and an attitude of love. Spiritual evolution means the entire human race. It’s not an individual thing. We all are on this path together. We are all human. We are all family. Learning to become love requires that you work with others. You chose to be here for that reason We are learning to become love. It’s not always easy.

  • c-shadrach

    February 3, 2021 at 10:09 am


    Like many others have said – spiritual growth is such a personal process – and we cannot force others in our lives to go through it.

    I just read a book by Mari Lutes which had a line that I loved. To sum it up is said that not everyone is ready to or willing to listen to our spiritual awakening. And that’s okay – it’s not necessary to share with others that aren’t in a place of being supportive – which is where finding some like minded people and communities may help.

    Doing the above may help relieve pressure in your relationship and allow you and your partner to experience your own personal spiritual awakenings at your own paces while still having support <3

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