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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Happy (early) Easter from my (shedding) family an i to yours. Featuring magic ✨

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    Working on: abundance;

    1. Organization
    2. < Proper
    3. Pray and P.U.S.H.>
    4. < positivity
    5. Read >
    6. goal oriented
    7. Plan >
    8. Look for the solution not the problem. Humans aren’t the problem, it’s the language and the motion.
    9. Think twice, speak once (say less) – Tupac Shakur ✨
    10. Make reasons to be -insert all good things and energy- happy, successful, loving, kind or find reasons to be -insert all good things and energy- happy, successful, loving, kind.

    It’s my life so I’m going to live it. It’s my hard work, pain, and tears.. so that success I’m going to make it mine and only mine. It’s me first, and then everyone else. I love you, but I need to take care of me first; so I can love you the way I’m supposed to. I can’t fight for what I love alone. Yet, I can’t fight for what I desire or believe in if l am not allowed to take care of me first.

    | Push. | therefore, I am. | I want it I got it. | ✨

    I am myself unapologetically.
    Don’t like me? Great, leave my life at peace. Work together & you don’t like me. Ok, be polite and only talk to me when necessary to better our lives through good work (I never understood the tiff btw co-workers), but definitely none of that passive aggressiveness..

    I start off polite with everyone, then based off how you treat me, I act accordingly. I am not a sugar coater or a bull **er. I am honest and try to keep things as straightforward as possible. I am a compliment giver and I like clinging to the positive aspects of all things. I want to create an abundance of that good energy. I want good things and will not be forced to focus on the bad all of the time. I am taking a break from that and it may be harder to make positive change this way, but I am still going to work hard towards my aspirations in life, hope and pray good things are coming, pray for health, success, and prosperity, including being wealthy in *ALL aspects of life. You will find me not focusing on the bad, or being stuck in bad conversations. To be young and successful you have to do things others wouldn’t, and take risks that others wouldn’t, and believe in yourself.. because it’s the first step to gaining valuable support. Like an educated young lady I will take the good, put emphasis on it to create good energy that creates waves that set big waves into motion.

    I am going to take the weight of the world’s problems off of my shoulders and give it to God. I walk on water, but only when it freezes.

    I’m going to let positivity carry me, and my moral beliefs.. creed, my roots. I have to work smarter, not harder. I hope y’all stay and rock/fight/believe with me and send some good thoughts my way.

    I wish everyone a happy Easter sending love and light. (Think I may fast and pray in light of the holiday.) 🐰🐣🙏🛐📿

    Enjoy some runes, may the force be with us. ✨🤍🫶🌱

    Please share your favourite runes & what you’re working on, and/or what you’re doing for Easter. & thanks for caring about my post enough to read it all. (: means a lot. 🥹

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