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Forums Forums Mediums Has anyone ever witnessed a spirit change into a nicer person before?

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    Although I may have had a few similar experiences, there is this one particular experience that stands out. One time I felt like I was being contacted by the spirit if a woman who seemed really unfriendly.

    She seems to have wanted to me to channel her but I as reluctant for a long time. When I finally decided to give in and channel her, she shared some memories from her past that seemed really tragic. Afterwards, when she was done, I heard her thank me before disappearing.

    I thought this meant that she had crossed over completely. However, later on she came back. Only not only did she seem kinder rhsn before but she would even sometimes help me. Usually doing smal things like helping me stay grounded whenever I'm having trouble.

    I don't know if this means that she is now here to stay or what. There was a similar incident in the past where another spirit needed to vent and then started to become a helper afterwards for a while. I haven't sensed her in for some time and suspect that she has also finally taken off.

    How often do you see spirits change over time?

Reply to: Prestigious-Nail3101
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