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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Has anyone here had a spell backfire?

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    I’ve never had one backfire, but I think it’s probably a subject many of you have experienced. If you have a story, please share it! I’m interested and I like stories, be as long winded as you like.

  • Has anyone here had a spell backfire?

  • WitchyNailTech

    September 3, 2022 at 6:26 am

    I got a funny one for you lol.

    I was trying to manifest some extra cash for something specific within that week but I didn’t get paid until the week after. So I start manifesting like $63 bucks but I really wasn’t clear enough.

    So some shit happened at work and I was like, “Nah I ain’t staying around to watch this shit show and have it land all on my shoulders, no way jose” And I was so upset by this event at work that I gave them only a 2 day resignation.

    My ass is trying to manifest money while also quitting work, and that’s not the funny part.

    They ended up throwing me a little going away party, completely unexpectedly, and they all signed a card. Inside the card was


    # $63 bucks


    # 🙂

  • mamelotti

    September 3, 2022 at 6:26 am

    Dunno if these count as backfireing:

    Once I wasn’t specific enough. Used a candle spell to ask for more of authentic and true love into my life. In a couple of weeks, my boyfriend at the time suddenly broke up with me.

    Did a hex causing trouble to my ex (not the same ex I mentioned before :D). In a month I got a notice that the lease of my dream appartnent is ending and I have very little time to find a new apartment, ’cause the housing company had gone suddenly bankrupt.

  • Bell957

    September 3, 2022 at 6:26 am

    I had a lousy neighbour. She would steal my post, break into my place, try to break my husband and me apart, would menace me… well, you get the picture. After she tried to make it seem as if my DH had cheated on me, followed by a bill over 2.000€ because she stole insurance papers, I had more than enough. I used to have access to a cemetery. I used dirt and other stuff to make some black salt, sprinkled it on her doormat so she would move out. Problem is, her 4 dogs weren’t really trained and kept invading my place. Thus, the black salt landed on *my* doorstep. Guess who ended up moving out, lol?

  • Twisted_Wicket

    September 3, 2022 at 6:26 am

    Years ago I managed a costume shop. We primarily made all of our real money for the year in September/October for obvious reasons and ran magic and clown shows the rest of the time.

    I was going through our rental costumes one day and making repairs as they were all ancient and abused, and it occurred to me to do a money spell to raise money to replace them, so I did.

    2 days later, I’m sitting at the counter bored as hell, it was June, reading the paper. I see in the paper that a Furry Convention is happening in town that night… about 20 minutes later, the phone starts ringing for bighead costume rentals and I realized what was going on so I charged $300 for the night. I rented out 92 costumes at $300 each!

    That’s $27,600.00 for a single night. In June!

    All if the costumes were out by 5pm, so I went to Walmart and got a couple of boxes of trash bags.

    The next morning, as they were returned we had the renters stick them straight into the bags and put every one in the dumpster! Our cost to replace them was average $140. So we ordered 100 new costumes, a bunch of other random stuff, and still had almost $10K left!

    So it wasn’t really a backfire, as it worked. It just worked in a freakishly strange way!

  • strawberrywiitch

    September 3, 2022 at 6:26 am

    I don’t know if it counts as backfiring because it was what I initially wanted, but always be careful of love spells is all that I‘m saying, especially if you don’t plan on being with that person forever.

    I casted multiple binding spells on my ex boyfriend and it was pretty hard to get out of that relationship (as one might expect). He showed up at my house at night, tried to contact me with multiple social media accounts and so on – I‘m experienced in those type of spells so it‘s nothing I can’t deal with but it was indeed annoying.

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