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Forums Forums Mediums Have I opened myself to something bad?

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    I'm at the relative beginning of my journey with the gateway tapes ( r/gatewaytapes ) and I'm worried I may have opened myself to something bad, but it's also possible it's just anxiety.

    Yesterday I had a biiiiig learning moment about how dangerous some of this stuff can actually be. I realized that I haven't been as safe as I could be, and that while the tapes do something to prepare you for this, they really don't go far enough and there are holes in the methodology that leave one exposed early on. For example, in one exercise you learn affirmations, in the next you learn the resonant energy balloon. There's no affirmations in the resonant energy balloon exercise, and no balloon in the affirmations exercise (obviously). But both of these exercises use meditation/trance, so you are potentially going into them not fully protected.

    I'm going to preface this by saying I have mecfs and part of that is dysautonomia. It's normal for me to have an emotional disturbance 24-48 hours after overexerting myself and I had one of those rare occasions a couple days ago.

    Anyways this morning I was trying to sleep and I was just overcome with anxiety and fear that I had opened myself up to something. I was realizing that this was a way bigger deal than I thought and deciding to stop doing the tapes. Eventually I calmed down, and as I was in the state between wake and sleep I heard what sounded like a turkey gobbling (??) but it could have been a garbled voice. It was like exploding head if you've ever heard of that. It was very short, lasted only a second but it was a full second. I've had exploding head before but this was the loudest and clearest it's ever been, and it felt like I wasn't as close to sleep as before when it happened.

    Any ideas what this might be, whether or not it's something I need to worry about?

Reply to: meroboh
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