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Forums Forums Mediums Having difficulty visualizing outside of daydreaming

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  • #557530 Reply


    When I'm daydreaming I seem to be able to visualize just fine. I "see" things with my mind's eye somewhere around the top of my head. But when I notice and/or try to do it deliberately, it feels like a totally different effort. Like I'm trying to visualize something maybe half a foot in front of the spot between my closed eyes. I really struggle to be able to visualize anything in this way.

    Can anyone relate to this? I'd love to be able to consciously tap into the type of visualization I get when daydreaming but it only seems to come without effort; any effort shuts it down immediately and reroutes it to the other type of visualization that I don't have much luck with.

    Would love to hear about any experiences people have training themselves to be able to visualize successfully in this way.

    Edit: for clarity I'm not a medium but I am trying to learn psychic protections, that is the type of visualization I mean

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