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Forums Forums Mediums Having trouble with clairaudience

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    Im having trouble with clairaudience. I hear voices inside, and outside of my head( I hope that makes sense). I like to hear the voices inside because it’s so much easier to hear and discern who is speaking, they speak crystal clear, but this doesn’t happen as often as I’d like… What does happen often is the voices I hear with my ears.

    When I hear spirit, I hear faint whispers and I have to concentrate hard on focusing on one tone of voice at a time. It’s difficult to discern who is who because the voices are so faint, and they talk over each other.

    I have two questions. How can I turn up the volume of these voices I hear with my ears? And how can I focus on one spirit at a time?

    Thank you!

  • Having trouble with clairaudience

     Maximum_Skill9500 updated 1 year ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Whyam1sti11Here

    April 25, 2023 at 3:19 am

    When you hear sounds outside your head, it’s called objective clairaudience. When you hear them on the inside, it’s called subjective clairaudience. The best way to sharpen your skills is to focus on them while you’re doing your sitting with Spirit exercises. But it’s also important to remember you aren’t just working with your own skills. Your communicator also has strengths and weaknesses in communication skills. Don’t force them to use clairaudience just because you are partial to it. Be open to receiving however your communicator is most comfortable. What I mean is, don’t try to force clairaudience, your communicator might be more comfortable with clairvoyance. Does that make sense?

    One thing I do if I am having trouble understanding a communicator is ask if they have someone who can assist them. That can help.

  • Lumieredelanuit

    April 25, 2023 at 3:19 am

    I’ve had the unfortunate experience of dealing with very loud noises being played in my mind before.
    And also hearing incoherent speech in my mind that freaked out a different being I didn’t realise was attached to me.

    For that reason, they avoid allowing loud noises of any kind to reach my mind. They can quietly communicate but for reason I can feel it in my throat when they do it. They feel less scared communicating this way (possessed) than a sudden and random noise suddenly appearing.

    I think…if you’re not able to get them to communicate on a level you’re comfortable with, maybe someone in the spirit realm that’s trustworthy can do something about it instead.

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