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    I’m not really a witch but I think I need help. I just had the most disturbing nightmare. A little context, over the course of around 7 years 4 people who have graduated from my very small high school, like 50 people per class at maximum, have committed suicide. One of them was my friend, Ava, who hung herself senior year. I have had dreams about her before and they’re comforting like she was speaking to me directly. This one was completely different. Anyway I dream Ava was in my room as a shadow figure and she was really freaking me out. She’s there anyway I turn. Then she says, “Here I’ll show you what its like to hang yourself.” Then I start choking in my sleep until I wake up. As a note, I do have sleep apnea, but I was wearing my machine properly and everything, so I shouldn’t be choking in my sleep. Another note, I am currently visiting in my childhood home where I lived during high school when Ava killed herself. Anyway, this dream just felt straight up demonic to me. I have had suicidal thoughts before, I’m bipolar, but I’m doing really well with my medication and lifestyle and I can’t help, but think its some entity thats angry I’ve slipped out of its suicide inducing grip.

  • Help???!!

  • nooaflower

    October 18, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    YouTube has Solfeggio Frequency channels as well as cleansing and clearing frequencies. There is also a hex and demonic energy cleanse. Play them loud over your tv or speakers.

  • _lemonberry_

    October 18, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    Crystal up and binaural beats are great advice. Also recommend ‘hex bags’ under the pillow w lavender and vanilla. Strong herbs both spiritually and in good smells 😉 if advice from this thread doesn’t work for you though, an anecdote:

    I experienced similar loss and had nightmares like this but egg and light divination both suggested it was more internal than external. Talked it out with my therapist and realized I’d been carrying survivors guilt pretty hard without realizing that I even felt as strongly as I did about the whole situation and as such it was never actually resolved within my own energies. Nightmares got to a point where I wouldn’t even sleep.

    CBT, *CBD*, periactin for PTSD related nightmares (for a short while) and spirituality (+music and Apollo) are all that kept me going. I’m sorry this happened to you!! May you have good dreams!

  • kvarka566

    October 18, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    Well to me it seems like it’s just a bad dream triggered by past traumatic experience.

  • attic-dweller-

    October 18, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    I had night terrors in high school after a friend of mine took Xanax and drove, totaling his car and burning his body almost past recognition. it was terrifying at first, but at the time i realized it was my subconscious trying to warn me about my own drug use and reckless behavior. not sure if they’re real entities or not, but I wonder if the brain tries to convince itself to go back to more disordered thoughts because that’s what’s familiar.

    I agree with binaural beats and crystals, something that also worked for me: talk to it. tell any negative energies or presences that they are not welcome in your home. ask the beings of light “only those who have my best and highest intentions at heart” (if you believe in them – this could be guides, angels, ancestors, deities, God, goddess, mother Gaia, Jesus, etc) to step forward and protect you. you can ask them to surround you in white light, or the whole house. it helps to visualize a ball of white light around the house.

    this, plus homemade sigils and carefully placed crystals, is how I protect my home from Psychic attacks like the one you described.

  • fanciful_assclown

    October 18, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    what do you have of hers in that house? there is a real chance it’s psychological, you have unresolved grief over her death, but there’s also a slight chance it’s something else.

  • ProgrammaticallyBad2

    October 18, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    This could have been just a nightmare, but if it wasn’t, visualise enclosing yourself in a bubble of energy, so that whatever might be attacking won’t be able to get in.

  • velvetmarigold

    October 18, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    It sounds like a nightmare triggered a panic attack. You may need to process your grief about Ava. Perhaps a grief ritual would be beneficial:

    Also, sometime citrine can help protect from bad dreams. Before going to bed, hold the stone in your hand and chant, “bad dreams go away, good dreams here to stay” several times and visualize yourself going to bed, resting well and waking up rejuvenated and enthusiastic about your day. Keep the stone under your pillow or on your night stand.

  • WanhedaKomSheidheda

    October 18, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    I got the real chills reading this. I have no advice except crystal up. Edit: recommend a black tourmaline, black jasper, labradorite, smoky quartz, amethyst. Keep in bedroom and home.

    And keep rose quartz and citrine on you during the day to help with anxiety and positive energy. Add another amethyst, and a labradorite for good measure. (Keep seperate from the one absorbing the evil at home)

  • GingerInRetrograde

    October 18, 2021 at 11:21 pm

    Thank you for sharing this very personal story. In my view, you are probably struggling to love yourself in some way that you might not realize. This seems to come from unresolved childhood issues. You’ve grown up thinking a certain way about yourself and about the world around you. You put unkind limitations and labels on yourself & you talk to yourself worse than you would ever talk to a friend. In other words, you are probably not a very good friend to yourself. It’s not because you are bad, it’s because life & the world are tricky.

    Feel free to reach out,


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