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Forums Forums Mediums Help??? Question .. an Empath experience ..or I’m nuts maybe ?Empath abilities and gifts not fined as of yet..Know nothing really how to know what to do with any of it

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    Help I haven’t tuned my gifts.My son said I’m not ready for my power yet? He is in the spirit world! Well the gifts I have ..empath and others? I thought by prayer I protected myself Sunday?I went to a Tarot/Psychic store with crystals and other heart was mind ..there was energy going all thru me.I took deep breaths..looked around,becauseI put a shield up ..too people who I felt were bad? But I left the store and slowly better and then got sick? Is this normal me to do? Did something or someone that was bad get to me in the store..Please someone answer my text?? Is this in my head ..I get this a lot ..Why do I know stuff and if it a bad whatever or whoever is threatened by me??

  • Help??? Question .. an Empath experience ..or I’m nuts maybe ?Empath abilities and gifts not fined as of yet..Know nothing really how to know what to do with any of it

    [deleted] updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • SeaworthinessFit1278

    February 10, 2021 at 2:47 pm

    It sounds like your son is looking out for you

    The crystals or herbs might have been too much for you. Some resonances open your ability to sense spirits or energetic signatures. Try to ground yourself and shield if you can. Garlic and sea salt can also help protect you.

    Grounding and shielding can help you if and when you decide to do this work. So you can decide what you choose to deal with.

  • MamaSmAsh5

    February 10, 2021 at 2:47 pm

    It seems like your son has a gift and knows you do as well but also knows your not fully prepared.

    As far as the shop goes, in my opinion and also being an Empath, it seems the energies there were just too much for oyu at this time. Your system was overloaded. Your mind was already in a protective place so I think you went in with a closed mind rather open. Try being more calm before you go in, not necessarily protecting yourself but grounding yourself and staying calm. I’m new to this as well. I want to go check out some local metaphysical shops but honestly worried I’d be overwhelmed as well.

  • [deleted]

    February 10, 2021 at 2:47 pm

    If you got sick you could have absorbed negative energy, on accident really, that has happened to me before, all I have to do is look at a picture and I can tell if someone has passed on, because the picture doesn’t have a lot of energy coming from it, but I have to be careful with that, because the energy coming form the deceased person is not always good.

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