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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Help with Spirits

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    Crossposting this in case it’s more suited to this community. So I’m not actively practicing any kind of witchcraft or occult practices but I’ve been having issues with what I think are spirits. My knowledge is limited because I’m still in the researching phase but this has been happening before I started getting into the occult seriously.

    For the past few months, I haven’t felt safe closing my eyes. There’s been this looming, uncomfortable feeling that something is standing over me when I close my eyes at night. I suffer from hypnogogic hallucinations but generally they’re more like huge swarms of bugs crawling everywhere than shadowy figures but there was one instance of a figure that disappeared after I realized I was awake. It used to only be at night that I would get that looming uncomfortable feeling but it’s started getting worse. Now my brain will start picturing these awful “demonic” looking figures when I close my eyes. It’s completely unprompted, my brain just starts doing it automatically and none of them look familiar, like my brain is just picturing things I’ve seen in books/TV/movies, etc.

    Now it’s happening during the day too. Yesterday I was in the shower and I got water in my eyes and I got this horrible feeling that something was in the bathroom with me when I closed my eyes and my brain immediately started picturing this creature. They never look the same either. They’re always different. I don’t know if there’s actually something there or if it’s just my brain. My mental health is not good right now, hence why I’m not practicing because I’ve read certain practices can be downright dangerous to try if you’re not mentally sound. But things like this aren’t common for me when my mental health starts slipping. At first I blamed it on too many horror movies, though I don’t usually watch horror movies pertaining to ghosts or demons because they hit a little too close to home on the scale of downright terrifying and realistic (19 years in a Christian church there’s some things you can’t just stop believing in overnight because they were so ingrained in you.) Now I’m not so sure. I’m getting to the point where it’s hard to sleep but there’s been no other activity other than this just looming sense that there’s something there constantly day and night.

  • Help with Spirits

  • Dionysowos

    July 12, 2021 at 6:00 am

    Just wondering if you know anything about clairsenses or third eye opening because you may be dealing with that? Especially the whole shadowy figure, wondering if you feel extra tired, exhausted, smell some type of smells around different from usual times?
    If yes you might need to do a little cleansing with sage (not white), incense and say that you’re cleansing out loud, that you welcome positive energies in and let’s go of negative ones through the window, you could play some loud music that you like and do the same thing, say and imagine the music cleansing your room and ask for the bad vibes to be out by the window. Make sure to be polite but let then know that this is your home so be careful!
    If you feel this uncomfortable usually not the best sign but maybe since you’re starting to notice things they’re starting to notice you more, but again if the vibe is off for you usually trust your instinct!

    Idk if you still have a religion, God/Deities, believe in spirit guides gardian angels but maybe if you do try and ask higher power that comes from live and light or with the purest and for your highest good to help you and to protect you? Usually you don’t have to be practicing a thing to have ancestors or spirit guides protecting you so could be useful!
    Since you’re feeling down that could explain why you’re attracting that many spirits, just hope they ain’t feeding on you or else get that incense out, shoo shoo to them.

  • delladrild

    July 12, 2021 at 6:00 am

    Look into basic protection. These are things you can do to protect yourself from spirits. Try smudging the house with sage or incense smoke, or try a simmer pot. Simmer pots are a form of kitchen magick where you simmer a pot of water with herbs that have the properties you want to instill in your home. I would suggest lemon slices, sage leaves, rosemary sprigs, and sea salt. All banish negativity and cleanse an area. Also make some moon water (place a vessel of water under the moonlight and leave it out all night. Bring it in before sunrise and store away from sun light) and wash your house with it. Cleaning your house mindfully can be a great way to remove negativity. You could also carry selenite or black tourmaline as a personal ward. There are thousands of other ways to protect, but the main key to them all is intent. It is your intent to protect your home and your space by doing these things. Focus on this while putting together your simmer pot, or while smudging the house.

  • mystiqueisland777

    July 12, 2021 at 6:00 am

    My advice get the Encyclopedia of Spirits. It has a lot of good advice on dealing with spirits that want to harm.

    Here are the tips and tricks I know:

    Most spirits, are low level spirits, and typically sage, salt and bells work. For some reason the bell can break up their energy, so ringing a bell around your room can help. You can put a protective, circle of salt around your bed. Take a salt bath. Open all of the windows, burn sage most witches travel counter clockwise when banishing. As you burn the sage demand whatever is there to LEAVE. Be forceful. Tell it, it is not welcome and go. If it ever asks to come in, don’t let it. Spirits often stay where energy can stagnate, which is typically corners. So as you burn the sage (using a feather often helps) use your breath and blow it into the sage into corners, if the corner is open go from floor to ceiling. You can also draw a line of salt across your windows and doors. Some spirits can’t pass through a window without counting. So some witches place a jar of sand. The sand will take the spirit all night to count, and prevent it from entering. Rosemary is also used for banishing.

    These types of spirits feed on negative energy, so the worse your mental health is, the more they feed on you. Sometimes, simply laughing can drive them away. Put something funny on and laugh! If you have mental health issues, you should try to find a good therapist ASAP, if you can. If not I can recommend some good self help books.

    If you are comfortable with it, ask the Angel Michael for help. Many witches use angels, despite being pagan. You can take any of these deities and plaster pictures of them around you and your room, and carry an image in your purse or wallet. Again if you are ok with angels, use Michael and his image and plaster it around your room. But you need to petition the deities, via meditation, or prayer, just don’t be scared when they respond back. Other deities that are good at driving out spirits are Osiris; Kali; Persephone, Ereshkigal; Hekate; Hades, Oya, Barron Samedi, Berchta, Kamakhya, Khadiravani, Ma Zu, Madama. There are more listed in the Encyclopedia of spirits.

    I have had a similar experience, with night terrors though. If you want to hear my long story, let me know.

    For me to get rid of my entity, after years of fighting it with the tips above, a Shaman wound up banishing it. Whatever it was, was stronger than low levels spirts. She used her Celtic deity Macha and my god Anubis helped. So if it all fails, you should try to find a well know psychic, shaman or reiki master to help you get rid of it.

    Good luck!

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