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Forums Forums Mediums Hi everyone; five cardinals visited me

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    So, I’m going through A LOT. I called my mom to vent and cry to her because I couldn’t hold it in anymore and while I was on the phone five cardinals landed in the same tree outside my window. They were 4 male and 1 female.

    I looked into lore surrounding cardinals, however nothing I found said anything about many being there all at once. They also haven’t shown back up since (or before). In my research it spoke a lot about how it is believed to be a messenger from the other side.

    This happening stopped me in my tracks, and completely pulled me out of my breakdown. So I saw it, and I’m open. I feel like something or someone needs to tell me something or show me something, I just have not a single idea what. If anyone out there would be able to help me I would be ever so thankful, as my research seems to have hit a dead end.

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