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Forums Forums Psychic Horrible energy from a rock

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    I'm an empath and sensitive to energy. I've been really focusing on my spiritual journey and trying to elevate my abilities to connect like I did when I was young before life made me lose hope in the mystics. I have strong intuition, premonition dreams, can affect technology and flames..etc. I feel spirits more than I can hear or see them so I'm working on that.

    I was on an amazing nature walk with family. I must have been finely tuned in because I experienced the most in those of couple hours. I tuned in enough to pick up on an energy in a part of the woods we always get weird feelings from while on our walk. We sat on a bench to just breathe and exist. Behind me something was calling for my attention. I turned around to tune in and I felt a gun shot to the right side of my head. I was startled it was such a visceral feeling. Normally I feel good or bad energy and I get gut feelings of what I think happened. I never feel wounds like that, if that makes sense? We saw many critters (deer, birds, chipmunks,etc) experienced some beautiful signs and reminders. I saw beautiful twinkling almost like fairy lights when we were on top of a hill.

    One thing that really startled me though is I've been yearning to touch trees and connect with their energy. So we did that. Nothing out of the ordinary besides peace. We started touching moss as we walked. I touched Moss on a rock and had such an intense blow of energy to my hand. I can only describe it as gross. It was such a gross feeling. Idk if it was malicious energy or what. But it was soo strong and sudden I made an embarrassing noise and drew my hand back quick and had to shake it a few times. I couldn't stop shaking it to try to get the feeling off my palm. It was moss on a large flat rock and we think it might have been on top of a grave since the land use to be an old farm.

    Anyone else ever felt something like that? I'm wondering now if I should go try to touch grave stones and tune in to see what I could feel. Any suggestions or warnings? Sorry for the long post.

Reply to: Hereforlaughs16
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