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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing How best to protect your energy headed into the holiday season?

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    The holidays are coming up which means more time with family. What are some ways I can protect my energy? Keep the emotional vampires from draining me or someone’s angry energy setting me on edge. Any tips, spells, new crystal additions are welcome.
    Thanks in advance!!

  • How best to protect your energy headed into the holiday season?

  • witchwaywitchery

    November 16, 2021 at 9:28 am

    Chamomile wash your windows and doorframes of your the front and back doors of your house.

    Burn rosemary and cleanse your space with the smoke.

    Open the windows and let the wind air out your space.

    Burn a black candle and ask for your ancestors, or spiritual team to cleanse and protect your space. (Give them a gift to thank them – a glass of water works great)

    Spread egg shells at each corner of your property.

    Burn a lilac candle to send away the spirits that you don’t want in your space.

    Bake something with apple and cinnamon to bring in love and protection.

    Obsidian (great to carry around for emotional vampires), Haematite, amethyst, clear quartz – good to have on hand.

    Black salt on window ledges, will help banish negativity and give protection.

    Sea salt will help with protection.

    Spritz your space with a rosemary, lavender, salt, ancestor water (or regular water) mix.

    Take a Epsom salt bath with orange peels and bay leaves.

    If there is someone in your house you don’t want to stay long, find your broom and flip it upside down. It’s a Haitian practice that works really well.

    If you are of drinking age, you can also do a bath pouring a can of dark beer (like a stout) into the bath. This also does a great spiritual energy cleanse.

    Shower and change your clothes after you come home from work or social events, the water will cleanse the negative energies clinging to you.

    Do grounding and deep breath meditations help as well.

    Hope this helps. 🙂

  • No-Concept-9355

    November 16, 2021 at 9:28 am

    Black tourmaline is great at absorbing and cleansing the negative energy around you so it is an awesome crystal to have! Plus it’s relatively inexpensive, as crystals go.

  • HeyKindFriend

    November 16, 2021 at 9:28 am

    Carve out a few minutes per day where you can meditate, pray, ground yourself, cleanse your energy, or whatever else you need to do.

    Treat this as a high priority task. Set an alarm if you need to, and when it goes off, that’s your cue to politely excuse yourself for a few minutes.

  • Rottwagg

    November 16, 2021 at 9:28 am

    A quick one I recommend is to sweep the front porch down to the last step. Then light rosemary, or whatever incense you prefer to use for cleansing, go room to room with the lit incense stick, leave it to finish burning in the kitchen(the heart of the house). Once that’s done, proceed to sweep the back porch down to the last step.

    If you can, plant some rosemary and ruda in the front yard on either side of the entrance. Helps keep bad vibes away, and you’ll also have an endless stock of spellwork supplies!

    If you’re unable to, you can make a small bag filled with rosemary, ruda, and other protective herbs(I LOVE using Angelica root for spiritual protection). Then bury it next to the house, preferably close to the front or back entrance. You can also make multiple ones and place them in each room somewhere they won’t be disturbed.

    I also keep small pieces of black tourmaline and obsidian around the house. Doesn’t have to be a huge chunk or anything. They can be kept in the back corner on a closet shelf, or in a tiny bag in a dresser.

    Hope this helps! 😀

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