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Forums Forums Mediums how can i communicate with a soul

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    i feel there is a spirit trying to connect with me, ive have this strong feeling but i dont know who is the entity, i feel its one of my ancestors but i dont know who. how can i communicate with it?

  • how can i communicate with a soul

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • cndrow

    November 9, 2021 at 3:58 pm

    Spirits are just like people. You need to build a relationship to be able to communicate well

    Set up simple offerings (flowers, coins, food or drink)

    Tell them you’re open to reviving messages. You can specify how you’d like to receive them too- dreams, signs, sudden insight, etc.

    Set the intention before going to sleep that you will allow peaceful, positive spirits to talk to you through dreams

  • AnAnonymousHelp

    November 9, 2021 at 3:58 pm

    Communication happens through our subconscious. The deepest part of our subconscious is one with the deepest part of that spirit’s subconscious, and this is how telepathic communication can happen “within” regardless of distance. Sending a message is easy, you just need to mentalize that you are sending it to his mind. The hardest part is receiving it because you need to transfer that information from deep within your subconscious to your conscious mind. That has a lot of noise and our egos, fears and beliefs make complex mental blockages in that communication. Cleaning up these blockages usually takes a long time and there are many strategies to do so, including losing your fears, believing more in yourself, raising your vibrations, weakening your egos and becoming a better person. At first, if you focus really hard in receiving the message, you might only hear a word or two after a lot of concentration. If the channel got a lot of noise, that word might be a product of your fears or egos. Some people use techniques and tools that help them, such as chants or dances that distract the thinking mind to bypass the mental blockages. Also, it’s a lot easier to hear the message when we stop our other 5 senses, so definitely easier by closing our eyes. In my case, the only way I can have a normal conversation is by falling asleep while still fully conscious (and this is hard to do). That way, all my 5 senses get shut down, so the communication becomes very clear. If you want to know how to do that, search for wake-induced lucid-dreaming as it’s the same techniques.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 9, 2021 at 3:58 pm

    You’re already communicating if you can sense it and suspect things about it. I’d beef up certain meditative skills and pick up a divination method, but how far down this path do you want to go?

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