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Forums Forums Mediums How can I remove spirits from my home?

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    Hi Everyone,

    I am a 45 year old newly awakened medium who has been practicing “office hours” once a week. I have a session for those that are willing to pass over during that time. No one knows about my abilities except my husband, so I haven’t done a session for a living person yet. I will if called to though.

    During the rest of the week I am continually drained by spirits as they are all around my house, I’m estimating 30 or so at a time. My higher self keeps even more outside the house for me (apparently those I am not ready for, so I’ve been told). All this is to say I am exhausted from having them around constantly. So is there a way to keep them all out of my house until “office hours”?

    Your insight and experience is appreciated.

    Edited to add that I ground, cleanse, and shield myself everyday.

  • How can I remove spirits from my home?

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • cndrow

    November 10, 2021 at 4:02 am

    A Korean medium taught me to dedicate a “spirit box” as a waiting room for spirits. I used a decorative container I already had, and dedicated it as the ONLY space waiting spirit’s are allowed to be. If they’re a spirit in need of assistance and ain’t waiting patiently in the spirit box, they aren’t allowed on my grounds or in my house.

    Any spirits not obeying this rule are banished and sent to someone else who can help them

    In my experience, it only takes 1 banishing to show everyone You Mean Business and have them quietly obey the rules.

    As a newly developing medium (please don’t call yourself an infant) your most important lesson is to erect AND ENFORCE strong boundaries. If spirits outside your home are draining you, then they gotta go. Banish, send them on their way, cleanse and ward your space, and establish a firm set of rules.

    Good luck 🙂

  • AnAnonymousHelp

    November 10, 2021 at 4:02 am

    The fact that part of yourself is keeping some outside is a clue that the ones inside were authorized to stay, and that is a test. The question is, what are they trying to teach you?

    How is your session for those “willing to pass over”? Do you have a guardian/guide assisting you or are you creating these spiritual bonds all alone? It seems to me that you opened the door to them.

    These days I decided to feed a crow with the sandwich I was eating, and 10 minutes later there were about 5 crows chasing me. ^^

  • Ilavenya

    November 10, 2021 at 4:02 am

    Yes, instead of talking to your higher self, talk to your guide (if you are unfamiliar with guides, read “Journey of Souls” by Michael Newton, which you should anyway). As a medium, your guide is your right hand man, so to speak. Most likely, whenever you think you’re talking to your higher self, it is actually your guide who you’re talking to and who does everything. It will help you to know who you’re really addressing, namely another soul who is there to help you. If the souls around your home drain you, tell your guide about this and ask him to keep them away. A soul should only come in when you are intending to communicate.

  • inhaled_exhaled

    November 10, 2021 at 4:02 am

    What are you guys doing for assisting them?

    My mums a medium but has blocked it all out now as it was very exhausting and she had many bad experiences.

    She told me about someone she helped before. They were just staying in the garage of my cousin place and it freaked my cousin out. When my mum went and had a chat with him, he said all he wanted was to have a smoke and a drink with my cousin (feel included). So my cousin started doing that and the spirit left.

    Another person was sitting in my room and making me VERY ill. I have lung disease and this person was making me worse. Mum saw her and she said that the lady was scared and running from someone. There was a doorway of sorts in my room and the lady was hiding in it but mum asked her to move on because she was making me sick so the lady eventually did. I asked why would she be running from someone and mum said they sometimes don’t realise theyve passed or they get stuck in a certain mind frame.

    Kind of reminds me of Insidious or The Haunting of Hill House

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 10, 2021 at 4:02 am

    Don’t be afraid to metaphorically slam the door on their foot as a last resort. Would you know how to do that?

  • cryinginthelimousine

    November 10, 2021 at 4:02 am

    I was listening to this podcast “a psychic’s story” and one of the guests had this problem. She said she called on Angels and asked them to please help and come remove the spirits and it worked. Can’t remember which episode.

  • AbyssDomme

    November 10, 2021 at 4:02 am

    [House wards]( and also tell your Higher Self to boot out all spirits of the dead until you are “working”. That’s too much dead for anyone, including other people you live with, it can make you sick.

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