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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing How can someone make an altar when they’re in the ‘broom closet’?

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    (Newbie witch here😅)

    So recently, a deity seems to have called me. I want to set an altar up for them (for offerings and such) but I’m in the broom closet, with Catholic parents that think witchcraft is evil. I’ve heard of tiny, travel-sized altars (like in a mint tin), but I think that’s too small. I’m thinking of maybe making a compartment in my closet into the altar? Would it work, and if not, what are other alternatives? Also, can I just skip the candle (that people use for deity communication)? Since I’m not allowed to burn candles in the house (and besides, I think the flame would melt the plastic). I don’t know if that’s enough for the deity, or if I need something with more glam, something fancier.

    Thanks for the answers in advance! Blessed be <3

  • How can someone make an altar when they’re in the ‘broom closet’?

  • Nox_neko

    April 26, 2022 at 2:07 am

    Hello!! Worshipping doesn’t need to be glam or fancy!! Do some research on symbols and elements that relate to the deity that you are thinking of worshipping and decorate whatever space you chose as an altar with those things! My friend worships Aphrodite and when she was struggling with finances she would use the roses from her garden and shells from walks on beaches to decorate her altar.

  • Witch-Cat

    April 26, 2022 at 2:07 am

    A dedicated surface and a clean cloth are usually the sufficient elements for an altar. Hell, you can literally make one in your closet. I had a friend who emptied out a sock drawer and laid a cloth out on it with an icon of the deity they worked with and a small bowl to place offerings. After all, the power is not in the space in which the dedication occurs but the act of the dedication itself. Many people leave out offerings in, say, the woods or dump it right in front of their door step: it’s the act not the specific means of delivery that engage the entity.

    But, of course, just as an inspiring proclamation is cheapened if you’re kneeling in dirt, so can an offering be profaned and rejected if, say, “offered” by dumping it inside the trash bin. A clean state of being and a clean area is best.

    Of course, there’s a difference between saying highly beautified altars aren’t needed and saying that you don’t need to bother with putting in effort. The act of building an altar itself is a form of worship, it shows the deity that you are dedicated and will make them more likely to grant your petitions, not only because you have bettered your relationship with them, but also because you’ve set a place for their power to be concentrated and flow into your life easier.

    TL;DR just empty out a sock drawer and place an offering of food and drink along with an icon. In lieu of things like candles and incense, show your dedication by meditating at the altar or cleaning it and swapping out the offerings regularly, offer prayer and thanks daily and don’t just contact them when you need something.

    Good luck!

  • elbaitetourmaline

    April 26, 2022 at 2:07 am

    I grew up in a very Christian household. Like being made to pray out loud and church in the living room on Sundays. My point is, if your parents are anything like mine, a hidden closet alter would freak them the fuck out.

    Maybe something hidden but in plain sight would be better. I have a mirrored vanity tray with pastel pink and blue crystal towers on it. There’s also a small vase for fresh flowers, and a sterling silver tea light candle holder. A fossilized coral the size of a soft ball, a mounted butterfly, and some essential oil. I keep it on my garden bathtub and say it’s “relaxing spa stuff” of anyone asks.

    You could have something similar on a shelf, bedside table, or windowsill. Use things that could easily be explained as being used for something else. Anything “weird”, like mounted insects, could be scientific specimens.

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  • betweenthecoldwires

    April 26, 2022 at 2:07 am

    Hello! In your case I think anything of nature would be the way to go. You could get a vase and on a piece of parchment paper write the name of the deity and place it under the vase and then place fresh flowers within.

    You could also use leaves, pinecones, shells, whatever you can find outside. Even Pebbles, rocks, stones, feathers – these you can fit in a small flat dish with the name of the deity underneath that. All these things could also be found at the dollar store.

    You can also make a ritual oil that correlates with this deity by getting a small bottle with the correct herb (s) with it what you may even have in your kitchen and olive oil. You would then take this and annoyed your objects and yourself. The important thing is to take this bottle of oil and charge it with intention. If your parents ask what are you doing just tell them you’re taking an interest in natural perfumes and you saw a recipe online you wanted to try out on – how to extract scent from herbs in olive oil.

  • Vegetable-Floor-5510

    April 26, 2022 at 2:07 am

    I made a decorative box to keep all of my witchy things in. I bought a plain brown gift box from Target and did decoupage to decorate it using stickers, magazine cuttings, and Modge Podge.

  • Vegetable-Floor-5510

    April 26, 2022 at 2:07 am

    I made a decorative box to keep all of my witchy things in. I bought a plain brown gift box from Target and did decoupage to decorate it using stickers, magazine cuttings, and Modge Podge.

  • ValianKaye

    April 26, 2022 at 2:07 am

    I’m also in the broom closet and let me tell ya, HIDDEN ALTARS IN YOUR CLOSET ARE THE WAY TO GO. Although I would recommend a box. I agree that mint tins are rather small, so maybe a bigger one like a shoebox? If you still feel like that’s too small, I’d recommend having a box where you store stuff but when you need your altar for spell work/deitywork whatever, you can take out what you need. Hope this helps!

  • Creepy-Dig2468

    April 26, 2022 at 2:07 am

    You would be surprised how far diy arts and crafts goes to cover most everything you put on alters. Just stay away from sigils and any obvious idols or witchcraft tools. And even then if it looks cute it passes.

  • Interesting_Fox_2413

    April 26, 2022 at 2:07 am

    Hi! Deity work is not advised for beginner mostly because it requires a lot of effort. You can worship any deity you like though! Although deities are not known for reaching out to people, it’s rare. On the other side you might feel inclined to worship them which is great; you don’t need anything fancy if you can’t have it. I’ve seen people use shoe boxes, altoid tins, small boxes as altars, even digital altars. You don’t need real candles, they are more of an offering and they are not necessary to communicate with deities (again, as a beginner do your research before jumping into deity work).

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