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Forums Forums Mediums how can you tell if you’re hearing a spirit vs dialogue you created in your mind?

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    i’ve started to become more in tune with myself spiritually that this has been happening. i went to my grandpas grave with my dad and he was saying something like “i wonder if he likes the guy next to him” like talking about the tombstone next to my grandpa and i heard in my head my grandpa saying “hes annoying” but i couldn’t tell if it was just my imagination creating that. i heard him saying sweetheart and such to me but it’s like i could almost change what he says to me if i wanted to? so that’s when i don’t know if i’m actually hearing it or making it up but i’m not really trying to think of anything when it happens. another incident was i could sense another spirit holding my hand when i visited them and them sitting next to me. but if i wanted to have them go somewhere else they would’ve, therefore again making me think i’m just controlling this with my imagination and it’s not really me being able to communicate with them.

  • how can you tell if you’re hearing a spirit vs dialogue you created in your mind?

     Nicolina updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • autecre

    August 19, 2021 at 9:47 am

    im in the same boat as you

  • imgoodatbreathing

    August 19, 2021 at 9:47 am

    Usually how I know the difference is when I’m busy with something or thinking my own stuff and all of the sudden something pops in that I didn’t really have the time to bring in my mind if that makes sense? It’s so instant it kinda takes you aback or however it’s said.

  • Beach_Luvr

    August 19, 2021 at 9:47 am

    I’m really struggling with this too. I notice I can easily change the response they have in my mind, so it makes me question who’s answering to begin with. I notice this most when trying to communicate with my family, as I know quite well how they could respond.

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