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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing How did you all find your God/Goddesses/Idols/Spiritual practice?

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    Hey Witches!!!

    I’m 23 and trying to find what “god” means to me. I have always been a deeply spiritual person but unfortunately that was suppressed the first 20 years of my life due to my awful bio family. I’ve been NC for 3 years and am healing 🥰

    I won’t get in to the nitty gritty, but an important detail regarding this is that they were VERY anti religion/spirituality and would openly make fun of literally anybody who was religious, spiritual, “woohoo”. Things like “bible thumpers” and a lot of other significantly worse terminology associated with pretty much every major religion were used daily and in very hateful ways, I won’t repeat anything beyond “bible thumpers” as they’re all deeply hurtful and racist. I’m sure you know what I’m talking about.

    This made me feel like a crazy person for wanting to find “god” and only the past year or so I’ve let myself really acknowledge how strong this desire is for me.

    I’m not overly interested in secular religion I don’t think, I believe my spirituality is very fluid and personal, and what I think I believe is very centric around the earth and universe. however in saying that I deeply desire community pertaining to my spiritual feelings, I’ve been the most interested in Buddhism, Paganism and Ba’hai. But I don’t know if that’s just me trying to fit in to a box.

    So that brings me to my query for you! How did you figure out where you fit, what you believe, how you practice? I’d love to hear your stories and beliefs! I’m open to any and all information and appreciate every response 🥰

    Thank you so much, from a struggling lady 🙁

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