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Forums Forums Mediums How do I begin my spiritual journey?

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    I am completely untrained and relatively uninformed on spiritual matters. Hence, I apologize for my naivety. If you have the patience to help me, please continue reading.

    I have had a few indications in my life that I am “destined” or on the path to becoming a medium, or at least spiritually involved. It started with my family. My grandfather and aunt are both mediums and have a history of psychic and paranormal intuitions.

    I was around 12 years old when my grandfather, a very serious, stoic, and religious man who has lived a difficult life and faced many hardships, let my parents know that he had an unshakable feeling that I was much more in tune with the world, and was of the same fate that he and my aunt share. I was shocked to hear this because I would never expect to hear such a thing from a man I considered so down-to-earth, so no-nonsense. My own parents have never given any mind to spiritual or psychic matters so they easily brushed this off.

    I have been thinking more and more about what my grandfather has said recently. He is approaching the end of his life and the things he has said to me and taught me have been returning to my mind with a deeper consideration. I do not know why he feels this way about me. I have not had any firsthand psychic experiences in my life, from what I know. Perhaps he noticed something when I was young that I did not. I know my grandfather’s house is haunted, and several paranormal experiences in that house have led to my aunt’s psychic awakening in her youth. When I was young, visiting my grandparents house, I refused to sleep in a certain room just based off of a “bad vibe” I detected. Of course I did not know of the house’s paranormal history. Turns out, when I got old enough, my grandfather revealed to me that the room I refused to sleep in was the hotbed for the paranormal activity. Perhaps this is why he came to the conclusion about me, but I don’t know if there’s more he hasn’t told me.

    Anyway, I feel like my life recently has been subtly and intuitively guiding me on a path towards a spiritual awakening. I cannot fully explain how so, but the matter has been circling in my mind, more and more rapidly and intensely, as of late. Themes of: we are not alone in this universe, this realm is intersecting with higher and invisible realm, big change is coming, humankind is in danger.
    I am still “waiting” for a clearer sign that this is the path I am meant to pursue, but maybe that overt signal is not coming.

    Does it sound like this is my fate? I am open to the possibility. If so, where do I start on my research to better understand these matters? What reading materials, tools, and practices can I begin to do to become more in-tune? Should I consult with a practicing psychic of some sort to help clarify all of this? Is there any danger in exploring this path if it is not destined for me?

    Thank you if you are reading, and willing to help me.

  • How do I begin my spiritual journey?

    TheSaltyTarot updated 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • bloomandmanifest

    May 17, 2021 at 4:17 am

    It definitely sounds like you’re ready to start developing your gifts. You have the choice to make your experience whatever you want it to be and we have the free will to explore whatever path calls to us. I think you’ve received the call 😉

    Here is a few helpful guides:

    [Spiritual Awakening Guide: Symptoms, Stages and Tips](

    This one on cacao ceremony may seem random at first but using it as a gentle guide in meditation/ceremony can help to open up and identify soul guidance. Give it a try, hopefully these are helpful. [Awakening Tools: Cacao Ceremony to Open the Heart Chakra](

    Plain and simple meditation can help you connect to your truth and figure out your next step as well. Always trust that you have the answers within and the power to ask spirit for guidance.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    May 17, 2021 at 4:17 am

    It sounds like you’ve already taken your first steps into your spiritual journey. And sure, there are dangers. Like I’ve said, the occult doesn’t interact well with mental illness, or really anything less than a clear mind. There’s a lot of misinformation and a lot of fakers, and even practitioners with genuine knowledge and ability may not be the most moral people.

    What do you want to do with your abilities?

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