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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing How do I enchant jewelry?

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    I’ve been looking up on how to enchant jewelry because I’ve got a few rings I’d like to work with, but it’s all confusing. I also work with a deity, not Earth elements, if that changes anything. How do you enchant your jewelry?

  • How do I enchant jewelry?

  • Gildedragon

    May 14, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    So the process for enchanting things is a bit imprecise. From my experience: You kinda push the magic into it or tie it to it? Like you make it absorb the stuff & be changed?
    Which are useless descriptions unless you’ve done it.

    So if I can be a bit socratic:
    Have you made any spells before? Spell satchets or bottles? Protection charms? Prayers?

    How do you go about enchanting them? Like what makes the jar or the satchet more than a raided spice cabinet & grass cuttings? A piece of paper with magical words or symbols more than ink? What makes a prayer be more than just saying things?

    Now do that to a good earthy pebble you find. Like whatever you do that makes your things magical. But focus it to keeping you stable and clear minded. Do it to the pebble for like an hour.

    Voila you have a grounding stone.

    For when you do it to the rings… Like ask them what they’d be good for & instead of grounding focus on whatever the purpose is. Maybe a bit more ceremony & that spell you’re generating tie it to the ring as you’re pushing the stuff into the ring.

  • aflyfacingwinter

    May 14, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    I hold my jewelry in my hand and I say “this talisman belongs to me. It will aid me in my journey, acting as protection and enhancing my abilities. I hearby cleanse it of any pre-existing energies not in alignment with these intentions”- then lay it in whatever I feel for that piece- sand, a salt circle, atop crystals – and I use a singing bowl to cleanse it with sound-then I usually wear it for a bit then put it back in it’s cleanse space over night😊 that’s just my way but you can do it however you want

  • LittleHazel89

    May 14, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    Hi artificer here, almost my whole craft is enchantments. The way I go about it is as follows:

    1) Hold intention in your mind. Focus on what you want the object to do, and keep that crystal clear as you craft.

    2) Formulate the spell. This can be words or runes or anything at all that feels right to you. Let the intention guide the spells form. You’ll know it’s right when it “clicks”

    3) Tap into spiritual power source. Whatever you draw your power from do that now.

    4) Imbue the object. Pick up or wear the item being enchanted and let your power flow through the spell and into the object. Keep it up untell it feels done.

    5) Release and inspect. Let go of or take the object off, release your hold on the power and walk away for a bit. Come back and touch the object, you should be able to feel the intention placed into it come back into your mind clearly when you focus on the object. If you do great! One successful magic item. If not, cleanse the item and try agian from the beginning after a snack and some recoup time.

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  • feralwitch_

    May 14, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    I like to get my energy and spirit’s energy all over that object. My personal method is to cleanse the talisman, charge it in my hands/meditate with it, and keep it under my pillow for a few nights. If I’m working with a deity, I’ll follow that up by placing it on my altar, stating my intentions, and giving them an offering. I more or less repeat the process when I feel it needs to be recharged.

  • Sufficient_Laugh1764

    May 14, 2022 at 11:05 pm

    [the witch of wonderlust has a great video on this](

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