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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing how do i start when i cant seem to focus on what im doing?

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    idk if the title was confusing or not, but let me explain. everything ive read/seen regarding practicing always says you have to clear your mind and focus your intent on whatever it is you’re doing (spell, mediation, divination etc). heres where my issue is; i cannot for the life of me focus on one thing.
    literally my whole life anytime i had to focus on something i have to be watching a video to be able to do it. for example, if i want to study id usually watch youtube while doing it and i get the best results when i do so. so i just wanted advice on that. like, i wanna do spells and meditate and just be able to practices but when i try do it in silence or even with just music, i cant. it makes me anxious and drives me crazy. i specifically have to be watching something.
    so i just wanted to ask, would it be okay to practice while watching a tv show or something? because sometimes i feel like if i do that im not “good enough” or whatever. so please if anyone can help me out here, id really appreciate it. thank you 🙂

  • how do i start when i cant seem to focus on what im doing?

  • FullMoonRougarou

    November 13, 2021 at 3:03 pm

    Research and practice better focusing methods. It can be learned. Neophytes in the Golden Dawn spend several months staring at one single fixed point as an exercise & discipline in focus. It will serve you well if you learn to develop better focus so you are putting your full attention into your work. You can start with learning meditation, relaxation and mindful breathing techniques like the four count breathing method which will calm your body & mind. There are countless videos on youtube that can guide & teach you for free.

  • Purple-Experience127

    November 13, 2021 at 3:03 pm

    There are no set rules! Do what suits you best and you’ll get the results you’re aiming for. I have to listen to something to concentrate regardless of what I’m doing, whether that be witchcraft, work, or study. It works for me. Feeling at ease is key, no matter how you get to that point. You are good enough, and don’t need to practise in a certain way just because others say you should. Your practise is about and for you, so centralise your personal needs.

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