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Forums Forums Mediums How do I work with withstanding overwhelming energy?

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    As an Empath/ hypersensitive Medium, I get really overwhelmed when I’m in thrift stores or around crowds and such. I do my best shielding, grounding, centering, and I know that I’m doing it successfully but like I’m so sensitive to the point it wears me down really fast.

    When I get overwhelmed, my patience goes down exponentially. I usually get quiet and when others get pushy I get snippy. Not like mean but um I’m pretty short with people when I’m overwhelmed by energy. Now my family is a very interesting one 😅 hardcore Christian’s that get very angry then very sad if you don’t act the way they want you to act. Currently can’t afford my own apartment so I’m practicing my patience rn but I feel like I’m trying to catch the wind here. Any advice?

    I do try to step away when I can but it’s not always possible, honestly in my life it’s a contant going going going. So um any tips to lengthen patient endurance or um how I deal with being overwhelmed with energy.

    I also use psychic sensitivity dimmers and such like herbs or crystals, breath work. Sometimes they work but like only if I can be alone while using them

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