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Forums Forums Mediums How do you advance from random encounters to actually seeking then out?

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    I have had a lot of experiences and previously was terrified of them. They are always random and I have no control over when/what/where/who. Reading through others’ experiences on this sub, it seems like many of you are in control of this and are able to seek out experiences with certain spirits. I know, of course, most of that is from more experience and knowledge. What suggestions do you have for someone new to this? Currently, I meditate regularly and have been working on grounding and shielding.

  • How do you advance from random encounters to actually seeking then out?

     Lebanonicon updated 1 year, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Old_Acanthisitta_731

    November 15, 2022 at 8:05 am

    I understand completely. Prior to this year, interactions were out of my control. Now, I have been meditating nightly, and then using a grounding, centering and shielding ritual. I have my guides monitor my “waiting room”. (I’m a counselor so this is how it goes at work). I only see one spirit at a time. The first thing I do is I ask each spirit what their name is. My guides and I have figured out how to communicate letters. I have to be in my zone to hear messages from the deceased. I am still working on communicating with my guides. I hear the deceased at times, but at times I don’t. It is challenging but I continue to learn. Good Luck!

  • xperth

    November 15, 2022 at 8:05 am

    This is a great question. I lean on your intuition and experience to answer. Because it looks different in each individual. However it is as natural as human development through their stages. It’s not so much about inducing it, but aligning with it as it happens.

    From my experience and in support of your excellent inquiry, I can say for me it was all about understanding that words are for one dimension, telepathy is for another, reading and understanding instantaneous impulses of specific energy signatures is all dimensions. When one understands and operates from that knowing, it all makes sense.

    But trust, at least now, it is not something that the physical human vessel can maintain. Hence, mediumship and psychic shit abounds.

    Upward. Onward.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 15, 2022 at 8:05 am

    It’s like any social interaction. You practice with forgiving friends and family before you go out to meet strangers, who are much more likely to punch you in the face.

  • RicottaPuffs

    November 15, 2022 at 8:05 am

    If you have talent and you develop it, they will seek you.

    If you wish to help livi g person contact the deceased, or ,vice versa, you train..

    If you are easily frightene,that is a handicap,since you cannot choose the spirit that seeks you.You can only voluntarily contact the ones you try to reach, wirh intent.

    Your motivesaregery important, since they will determine the nature of.your interaction wirh spirit, as are your emotional and mental health.

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