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Forums Forums Mediums How do You all Deal with Those who ask for Help with a Haunting, when the Sitters are Overly Fascinated and Just Invite the Entity, or Similar Entities Back?

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    A few times a year I have an encounter with a sitter who wants an entity or two removed, but who reveals over the course of the interchanges that they are actually improperly fascinated with being bothered by an entity. That fascination can be not conscious.

    Signs I have noticed in my practice. The sitter is filming. The sitter is recording. The sitter is sharing this all over media. The sitter has a recurring issue with spirits who are new, but, who exhibit similar behaviors to the ones who were removed. The sitter is excited and acts frightened but won’t ignore or stop engaging the negative energies. The sitter wants to involve television crews. When the energies are crossed or removed they become upset, even though they said removal was what they wanted.

    They go back to Ouija or provoking or verbally express a desire to have that “unwanted” attention again.

    What do you do?

    What I do is limit my engagement. I advise them to do the shadow work or therapy or changes in attitude and to face it when they are really flattered or obsessed with being haunted, as if it is an admirer.

    What do each of you do?

    I limit my offers of assistance to two interventions.

    Three or four years ago, I reached out to a user who said he needed help n a different sub. I offered assistance. I agreed to meet in a location between my home and theirs. I offered to come to their house and to remove the entities.

    The people in question really wanted to contact shows on the Travel channel instead. So, I freed the two captive souls in that house and left the other one, the murderer, pedophile, there.

    After I told them what he was, they repeatedly said, “No. It is a demon”. They must have wanted a demon.

    I know we are supposed to not do cross spirit without permission from the homeowners. I had the permission of the souls of the two boys… These children’s souls were scared and suffering, so I crossed them remotely. Too bad for the family that wanted them to remain for investigators. I never found out if they got their fifteen minutes of fame. I helped those children and washed my hands of it.

    These people WANTED a demonic entity so badly. They blamed suicide attempts on it. They wanted to believe it was a demon after I told them it was a man. They were willing to allow children living in the home to be attacked, “for the sake of potential investigations.

    I have never seen this issue addressed here.

    When do any of you say, “Enough is enough”?

  • How do You all Deal with Those who ask for Help with a Haunting, when the Sitters are Overly Fascinated and Just Invite the Entity, or Similar Entities Back?

     RicottaPuffs updated 1 year, 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • vaginahere

    July 3, 2022 at 3:33 am

    People like this want drama and the attention that comes from having a haunted home. They have no idea of how badly they can suffer from inviting other into their home. When I recognize that this is what someone is actively seeking or wanting this despite their languge, I disengage. Not my monkeys, not my circus.

    As far as spirits who are stuck go, I’ll release them regardless. Not everyone in spirit recognizes that they’re not trapped and they can leave whenever they like. Their own fear traps them, and we as mediums can show them that they can leave and find their family without consequences. Us mediums speak the truth, and the non-living can see that.

  • SamwisePoe

    July 3, 2022 at 3:33 am

    They sound like ignorant narcissists who are totally going to wish a demon into their lives. Technically it’s child abuse too, but it would be tough to find a legal angle to report them. It sounds like you’ve done all you could. The best you can do is offer protection prayers for the kids. If they end up with a demon you don’t want it coming after you for trying to help, so best to sever any psychic and emotional links you have to them and hand it over to a higher power.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    July 3, 2022 at 3:33 am

    > They were willing to allow children living in the home to be attacked, “for the sake of potential investigations.

    Holy shit. I would banish the ghost, ward the kids, and make an anonymous tip to the police that there was child abuse going on.


    Holy shit.

  • Middle_Reading

    July 3, 2022 at 3:33 am

    I would do it twice, then game over.
    (Once for the people calling Travel channel 🙄)

    I say twice, because sometimes, when people have had a spirit in their house for a long time, even when it’s doing things that terrify the people who live with it, and they’re initially relieved and thankful that they’re gone…

    In time, they feel the “emptiness” after the spirit is gone. And whether it’s done consciously or not, they “miss” the feeling and energy, they end up calling spirits back to their space.

    After the second time, however, they’re on their own. At that point, it’s an “educated” choice that they’re making.

  • stephyduh

    July 3, 2022 at 3:33 am

    This is a tough one Ricotta, because i know how willing and open you are when it comes to helping those in need. These are mostly paying customers i hope, because Your Energy and Services are quite valuable. If someone comes to me asking for help with a spirit, but also invites and entices the spirit into their life, it feels incredibly dishonest, and contradictive. A gifted medium like yourself sees and feels this energy from the start, yet it’s your kindness and generosity that makes you want to help. Help the spirit maybe or just try to help the overall situation. My advice is to just trust your instincts. If it feels as if your services are being treated like a sideshow attraction, protect your energy like you do and be very honest with the sitter. Tell them their behavior is harmful and if they arent willing to make positive changes then you will not be able to help them again. Our life and gifts are not amusement, i completely understand the fascination, it’s the lack of respect i dont have time for. Much Love 🌄 🌻

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