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Forums Forums Tarot How do you view your tarot decks?

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    Greetings fellow tarot enthusiasts! So, I’m fairly new to the actually practice of tarot reading, but I’ve been… intrigued from afar, shall we say, for as long as I can remember. (I was raised in a heavily Christian community. xD) I’ve only recently reconnected with spirituality, and have been soaking in knowledge from cultures all over the world. Suffice to say, I’m quite excited to talk to people about their interpretations!

    So, I’ve heard a few different takes on tarot decks. There seems to be a spectrum of beliefs ranging from seeing them solely as tools, to seeing them as their own spiritual entity to be nourished and cared for. After a brief discussion with my roommate on the topic, we settled on a sort of middle interpretation.

    He brought up a deck he has that he got on Amazon, that was “made in a factory”, and that “there’s a million like it”. We talked some more and speculated that one could hypothetically, intentionally manifest a being of some sort, but as he puts it “Factory decks probably don’t come with free, pre-packaged spirits.” xD

    Anyway, I’d like to thank you all for your time. Sorry if this isn’t what this subreddit is for, I’m also very new to Reddit. xD Whatever the case, I look forward to discussion!

  • How do you view your tarot decks?

    oldbluehair updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • imightbeabug

    February 4, 2021 at 4:28 am

    I don’t see a tarot deck as a tool, I believe that I am the tool and the tarot is my guidance to the universe, that helps me connect to the energies. That being said, there are millions of decks that are created. But the beauty of this is that among the millions that were made, there is one deck that belongs to you and that one deck that you connect with is so unique that it becomes one in a million instead, for you.

    That being said, there are no prepacked spirits lol, we’ll be all messed up in that case ????

    But if you’re ever planning on getting a deck, do remember to cleanse your deck and rid it of negative energy. Take care and stay blessed!

  • honorthecrones

    February 4, 2021 at 4:28 am

    I have been reading Tarot for over 40 years and I have never cleansed a deck. In my practice, energy flows everywhere and through everything and doesn’t leave icky fingerprints on my decks. If there is negative energy during a reading, I don’t allow it to linger, nor do I, by my intention grant it a residence in my deck. I do the same with more positive energies. When I read for someone else, that reading and any associated energies are not mine to keep or to play with.

    I do see the deck as a tool of sorts. Through its use, it becomes a sacred object. But the energy is present in the universe, not the deck. Much like river rocks can become runes, and a stick can become a wand, a deck of cardboard cards can become Tarot. I do not believe they are magical, but they can be a powerful tool in the proper hands.

    The power will grow in you as you learn, study and practice. That power can move easily between other decks and other tools. At least, that is how I see it.

  • bisbingthecat

    February 4, 2021 at 4:28 am

    check out the podcast Modern christian mysticism, specifically [this episode on tarot](, if you have some time. She describes her journey with tarot as a christian, you might find it very relatable and emmy is awesome at making sense of mysticism/astrology and tarot as a christian.

  • oldbluehair

    February 4, 2021 at 4:28 am

    I see tarot decks as primarily useful items and I have to be able to use them if they are going to live in my house. Naturally I have one or two exceptions that I have because they are unusual or something. But otherwise, if I don’t think I will be able to read with a deck, if the symbolism and meaning are overtaken by the art or style or theme, then I won’t buy or keep the deck.

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