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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing How I found my familiar (deer spirit)

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    I’ve seen a lot of people talk about their familiars on here, and due to it being familiar Friday, I thought I’d share my personal story.

    My father is a hunter, and he shot a deer when I was fairly young. Years later, I walked through the woods in the area he went hunting, and I almost felt like I was being guided by some unfamiliar force (on my nature walks I go where my feet take me, I don’t have a set destination. When I found the skull that I use to represent her in spells, I felt an immediate connection, so I picked the skull up and walked home. I cleaned the skull off, set up a place at my divining sector of my altar, then I did a divination for her to communicate. I got a detailed reading and I put her on my altar, mostly as a decoration. I started finding myself asking her to lend me energy for my spells when I was low, and I found myself casting spells for her specifically, even talking to her about my daily life. I handmade her a pillow, and I’m working on making a bracelet to wear so I can always have a part of her with me. I can’t hear her voice, but I can feel her energy guiding me on what I should do in my spellwork, and she’s been a big help. She’s became a friend of mine, as odd as that may sound, and I feel that we’re equals in my practice. She helps me, and I can always feel her if I look for her, I know she’s listening when I speak to her. When I found her, I finally gave up on finding a familiar on my own, and I left an offering for the universe saying “If I have a familiar, bring me to them. I’m going to stop searching.” and just like that, Lily came into my life, and I feel like I always have someone to rely on in my practice. If you haven’t found your familiar, and you’ve been looking for one, stop looking. It’ll almost certainly come to you, or it will bring you to it, and when it does, you will know. Peace and blessings.

    (No disrespect to those with physical animal familiars, I believe that familiars take many forms, and in some cases, that could be a real animal.)

  • How I found my familiar (deer spirit)

  • nation543

    October 20, 2022 at 6:58 pm

    Bulletpoints, for those seeking:

    * Dad was/is a hunter
    * Revisited hunting grounds, instinctively wandered
    * Found deer skull
    * Cleaning
    * Altar placement
    * Made it comfortable
    * Cared for, as if alive
    * Developed connection over time
    * Journeywork
    * Familiarity

    Let me know if I missed anything, shin ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|slightly_smiling)

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