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    I’m going to be writing an honors thesis at my Catholic undergraduate college about women’s reproductive rights/bodily autonomy/abortion in dystopian literature! I’m so excited! It’ll be a lot of work, but I know it’ll be worth it when I present my liberal speech to a crowd of conservative Catholic straight white men. I’ll be primarily focusing on The Handmaid’s Tale (and how it was a reaction against Reagan-era conservatism) but I will also pull in a recent reactions as well!

  • How I plan to burn the patriarchy this year…

  • Bentu_nan

    May 18, 2022 at 11:58 am

    Don’t forget to bring up the hypocrisy of saying that life “begins at conception” but ignoring fertility clinics. In terms of zygots being killed, fertility clinics “kill” orders of magnitude more than abortion does.

  • IckyBugDance

    May 18, 2022 at 11:58 am

    Feel free to quote me:

    If the United States is willing to grant legal personhood to a fetus and all the rights associated with said personhood status, then all the legal limitations of personhood must be applied to the fetus as well. In the United States, it is illegal to force person A to donate any part of their body to person B. Even a body part that regenerates, like a lobe of liver or blood. Even when the removal is physically painless, such as head hair. Even when person A has no further use for their organs, such as cadavers. Therefore, fetal personhood should make it illegal to force women (or any uterus-bearer) to donate their bodies to fetuses, however temporarily. This is especially true given the permanent damage caused by pregnancy.

    Moreover, if fetuses are granted the same rights as born minor children, it is only legally right that abortion remains a medical decision between the physician and the fetus’s legal guardian. After all, what is pregnancy but life support for the fetus through human anatomy and physiology? When it comes to terminating the machinery-based life support of a post-birth minor, that is a legal decision to be determined between the minor’s legal guardian and the minor’s physician. So too, then, should the termination of life support for an unborn minor unable to survive without it be a legal decision between legal guardian and physician. No morality need enter into it.

  • MsCellaneous

    May 18, 2022 at 11:58 am

    That’s amazing! Also, someone yesterday posted and excellent, in-depth court case on bodily autonomy I would recommend (if you didn’t see it)

    McFall V Shimp and Abortion Rights
    by inWitchesVsPatriarchy

  • bothwatchxfiles

    May 18, 2022 at 11:58 am

    Very cool topic. Check out Yevgeny Zamyatin’s ‘We’

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