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Forums Forums Astrology How much do you think astrological signs can influence relationships?

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    Personally, I've had my fair share of experiences with astrology and relationships. Like, I once dated this guy who was super into astrology, and he legit based all our compatibility on our star signs. It was kinda cute at first, you know, like he'd be all, "Oh, we're both fire signs, so we're destined for passion and adventure!" But then things got real when Mercury went into retrograde and suddenly all our communication went to hell.

    But here's the thing – while astrology can be fun to dabble in and it's cool to see how our personalities might align with our star signs, I don't think we should let it dictate our relationships. Like, at the end of the day, it's all about communication, trust, and compatibility on a deeper level, you feel me?

    Sure, maybe there's some truth to the whole "like attracts like" concept, where certain signs vibe better with others. But I've also seen totally mismatched signs make it work because they're willing to put in the effort and understand each other on a real, human level.

    So, yeah, astrology can be a fun little guide, but let's not let it overshadow the importance of genuine connection and mutual respect in our relationships, alright?

    Anyway, that's just my two cents. What do y'all think?

Reply to: TMD_biefengwole
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