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Forums Forums Astrology How much does your sun sign really influence compatibility?

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    I’m a Leo who is really drawn to water signs in relationships. I appreciate their emotional depth, romantic nature, passion and sensitivity. However, every time I look at compatibility charts it appears like we’re the worst mix (ie, Fire & Water). I don’t really feel romantically compatible with other fire signs like Sag and Aries, so it makes me kind of sad. My venus is in cancer (only water placement) which I think is what maybe causes my attraction to other water signs? I feel super sensitive and vulnerable when it comes to relationships. But it’s hard for me to understand how venus actually comes into play with compatibility, and it’s probably more complex than I realize.

  • How much does your sun sign really influence compatibility?

    queendestroyer updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 8 Replies
  • Forgetthelandabove

    February 2, 2021 at 9:12 am

    I always have thought that when it comes to love compatibility you should look at the places of the moon (emotional compatibility) Venus (sexual compatibility) and Juno (marriage and long term compatibility) Using the sun sign just doesn’t make sense to me. Why is everything always so focused on the sun sign?

  • spacedoutvixen

    February 2, 2021 at 9:12 am

    Sun sign doesn’t influence compatibility at all, in fact it’s hard to really pin point compatibility down to one part of the chart. The only thing I’ve noticed is that often the ruler of the 7th house and planets in the 7th and sometimes the 5th can tell us about our partners and our love life. You will hear a lot of “air signs should go with other air signs and fire signs with fire etc” in pop astrology, but I think this is total crap, especially when you consider often people like a bit of friction and difference in their relationships.

  • MajorSagittarius12

    February 2, 2021 at 9:12 am

    I don’t think that the sun sign influences compatibility all that much tbh. For example, I am a Sag Sun and my bf is a Taurus Sun which isn’t considered compatible at all yet we have other placements that make us what you could call “right” for each other (e.g. we’re Cap & Taurus Venus).

  • [deleted]

    February 2, 2021 at 9:12 am

    I’m a Gemini and I’ve had similar differences with my compatibilities. For example, I’m not very comparable with the air signs or the fire signs, with the exception of Leo. Leo is the only one I feel I can communicate with. Do you also know your Mars and ascendant signs? A friend of mine who is very into astrology told me compatibility is most determined by Venus, Mars and Ascendant. My Venus and ascendant are Leo and my Mars is Capricorn. Turns out my wife is a Capricorn. So very interesting.

  • bunnyeyez

    February 2, 2021 at 9:12 am

    This is the reason why I believe it’s important to look at your chart rather than just sun sign alone. My family entirely consists of water and air signs (Sag, Aries, Leo, Cancers, Scorpio) and even though they clash sometimes they have the most long lasting relationships I’ve ever seen.

  • x_chi_x

    February 2, 2021 at 9:12 am

    I personally think relying on our Venus/Mars urges sets us up for failure a lot. Who we are attracted to through those urges are not often who we will be best with. It’s better to think of it as how do you convey your self to other people. Or to others what you seem like. But sun and the moon is what you actually are. For example your Venus cancer is like the sentimental nurturing approach to how you communicate your core desire to be Leo receive praise. Which in reality is really different to the Cancer need to give. Also inside that shell is your moon sign and what you need to feel loved and nurtured.

    Sometimes we fall for people looking at that shell. Then we realize the core of it doesn’t match us personally at all. So people with sun or moon conjunct Venus or Mars are pretty straightforward. The rest of us have to learn how to balance our natural urges and what is best for us long term.

    This is just my theory from experience. Let me know if it matches any of yours

  • queendestroyer

    February 2, 2021 at 9:12 am

    May I ask what your moon, rising, Venus, mercury and Mars signs are ? And theirs ?

  • queendestroyer

    February 2, 2021 at 9:12 am

    I’m a Cap rising, so Saturn ruler of 1st house. Gemini sun and Leo moon.
    My best friend is Aries rising, Capricorn sun and Aries moon.
    Now a pop astrology person will be like “ew Capricorn and Gemini sun together eewe”

    But we are SO FUCKING COMPATIBLE why? Because of my rising and her sun. My moon and her moon and sun. My air sun also kinda compatible with her Aries, etc.

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