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Forums Forums Psychic How to crack the Occult in Everyday Text – Question!

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    The true secrets of the Occult are written between the words in books. Learn to read well, and often… the books you read in your childhood reappear later in adulthood with answers to your deepest questions about purpose and existence.

    >” Very interesting. But just to make this more tangible / practical for us, could you give us some examples of this, in your experience / explain this further?” – u/AnotherWeirdUncle


    In 2010, the Recession took my home, my pride, and my faith in the psychic world. My clients… who lost a lot more than myself, could no longer afford to come to me for help. If a psychic can’t predict, is she truly a psychic? A professional fortuneteller since the age of 18… I don’t know how to do anything else? Bring on the mental breakdown!

    **To enter Wonderland, all you need to do is ponder!**

    I am known to go back to basic during a psychic crisis. Pulling out my Tarot Library, I Vowed to learn something about the Tarot that no one else knew… and I did! With a little guidance from a High Priestess!

    >”And a voice said:
    >”To enter the Temple one must lift the second veil and pass between the two pillars. And to pass thus, one must obtain possession of the keys, read the book and understand the symbols. Are you able to do this?” – Symbolism of the Tarot

    I took this paragraph literally. Being in the industry for 20 years, this was not my first encounter with the psychic babble word veil, and thought time to get to the bottom of it’s true meaning.

    I took the three keys to mean three books. Knowing A.E. Waite was the author of the tarot before purchased by a gaming company in the 60’s, I thought best to follow his lead!

    – The pictorial Key to the Tarot

    – General Book of the Tarot

    – Symbolism of the Tarot


    I found three interesting facts:

    Symbolism of the Tarot was published and released before the Pictorial Key to the Tarot as a introduction to the Riders deck, but because of his Russian Roots, the symbolism of the Tarot arrived in England after Waites book, and completely confused people and forgotten.

    Pretty sure A.E Waite and A.E. Thierens… is the same person.

    The Golden Dawn HATE psychic’s and each other?

    **” IT seems rather of necessity than predilection in the sense of** ***apologia*** **that I should put on record in the first place a plain statement of my personal position, as one who for many years of literary life has been, subject to his spiritual and other limitations, an exponent of the higher mystic schools. It will be thought that I am acting strangely in concerning myself at this day with what appears at first sight and simply a well-known method of fortune-telling.”**

    After a month of drawing circles, and questioning reality as a whole, my husband suggested I find some “weirdo friends like myself” to run my theories with… and I did! Thank God for Reddit!

    I research as a hobby. Someone once asked me what I did besides the Occult… I didn’t have an answer. When it comes to decoding secrets of the underworld, I am like a Bible Bashers ready to sit you down and preach the word of God. Over the last year, my family will tell you… I have not been in the human world much.

    Learning the secrets of the Golden Dawn was one of the most exciting adventures of my life, but they broke up in 1901, and could not be the only ones to invent this psychic stuff… right?

    Digging deep in to my childhood memories I recalled psychic grandma giving me a curious Christmas ornament, I carried around like a Teddy Bear. Three boys on a boat named: Wynken, Blyken, and Nod.

    The end of the poem says:

    >Wynken and Blynken are two little eyes,   And Nod is a little head,And the wooden shoe that sailed the skies   Is a wee one’s trundle-bed;So shut your eyes while Mother sings   Of wonderful sights that be,And you shall see the beautiful things   As you rock in the misty sea

    Instructions to the Astral Plane?

    In the Rider Deck The Star Tarot card represents the real aspect of the Astral World. That which maybe seen in extasy. The imagination of Nature. Real Knowledge. Occultism.

    The Moon the Astral World as it is seen by the artificial means of magic. “Psychic”, “spiritistic” world. Dreads of the night. The real light from above and the false representation of that light from below. Pseudo-mysticism.

    In meditation you must push through the images (fish) and chatter before hearing the still little voice of the true-self in the void.

    >”Hey Mr. Tambourine man play a song for me…”

    Reality is a melody, corrupted by a warp key, you remember wrong… the truth is in the eye of the beholder!


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