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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing How to create a home protector

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    I’m going to preface this with: this is my take on how to make a home protector, and in this method, I’m using apple dolls. These are an open Native American practice, and although anyone can make them, I encourage you to read a bit on their history before you begin using them. Keeping the practice and traditions alive are very important to me, so I highly recommend looking a bit into their history first. Onto the home protector!

    \#1: Make your apple doll. I do this on Yule or Samhain, because by then, the last year’s apple doll is a bit worn from being hung up by my doorway for the whole year. I won’t be explaining how to do this, but I will add a tutorial I wrote in the comments. You can find plenty on youtube as well, if you don’t learn well with pictures. Make sure you soak it in lemon juice water, that’s fairly important. I like to lend it some energy or do a dance in dedication every day that the apple doll is curing to add a bit of fun, but that’s not necessary.

    \#2: Enchant your doll. I do this by sitting with it, closing my eyes, and imagining the energy coming up from the ground into my body and then into the apple doll. If you have aphantasia, set your cured apple doll in a box with some herbs for protection, maybe add an incantation, and ‘feed’ the box daily. You can do a dance around the box to lend it some energy, you can add some protective crystals or herbs, sing it a song, anything that you’d like.

    \#3: Hang up your doll. Tie your doll with a string and hang it above your front door on the New Years day. If you’d rather put it on a table near the front door, go ahead, anywhere near the front door works just fine. Tell your apple doll that it will be guarding the home from spiritual, physical, and mental attacks, and that it will be doing this job for a year. I take down my last year’s doll, cover it in peanut butter, roll it in birdseed, and I hang it in a tree when the new one comes up, so that the birds and squirrels get a tasty snack. If you do this, make sure that you don’t use salt in the soak for your apple doll.

    It’s as simple as that! It’s a fun project for the new year and Samhain/Yule, so I hope you give it a try! Here is my tutorial on making apple dolls: [\_doll\_tutorial\_one\_of\_you\_guys\_asked\_me\_to/](

    Here’s my post on the history of apple dolls: [\_dolls\_a\_bit\_of\_history\_and\_how\_to\_make\_them/](

    I hope you enjoy this craft, you can do this any time of the year, I just enjoy doing it for the new year, so feel free to try it out sometime soon! Let me know if you have any questions and I’ll get back to you as soon as possible, Peace and Blessings friends!

    Apple doll tutorial: One of you guys asked me to make a tutorial, so here it is. I hope you enjoy it!
    byu/Shin-yolo inwitchcraft

  • How to create a home protector

  • Young-Warrior-00

    April 23, 2023 at 2:42 pm

    Can you post this on r/SpiritWork_Witchcraft too?

  • mickle_caunle

    April 23, 2023 at 2:42 pm

    Thanks for posting Shin, this is so great!

Reply to: Shin-yolo
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