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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing How to remove a hex

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    So I have horrible luck. Literally anything bad that could happen to me has happened. You’d think my life is like the Truman show with how ridiculous this shit is.

    I decided to do a limpia on myself. The water is pretty cloudy. It doesn’t smell thankfully. I do have quite a few pearls that ended up stretching all the way to the top of the water. They literally look like pins. There’s a pretty thick mantle over the egg. There is a web that goes from the mantle to an eye sitting on top of the water. I’ve been told that usually means a hex, but I’ve also been told that since the egg is sitting on the bottom of the glass and not floating then I’m okay. What more do I need to do after this cleanse?? Does this warrant another cleanse? Is there anything else I can do or do I need to just do some protection work to keep me from any further attacks. Please help me. I am a beginning witch and feel lost when it comes to big protection work like this

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