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Forums Forums Psychic How to select a Psychic for a reading?

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    Hello all, I’ve never gotten a reading or anything like that before and I was curious if anyone had any tips for finding and selecting a person to go to?

    Also I’m curious what the experience is actually like (i’ve only seen it in movies mostly).

    Do I need to have a specific question in mind? The thing is, I don’t know what I’m looking for, but I just have this nagging tickle in my brain that there’s something missing or something I need to know and it’s been getting louder lately…I’ve dealt with it most of my life. It’s more of a colorful feeling than a steady train of thought that I can figure out how to describe with words (which is pretty frustrating). I just can’t help but wonder if this might be a useful direction to look for answers, but I’m wary of someone just telling me random things or what they think I want to hear.

  • How to select a Psychic for a reading?

     Margaret updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Voodooyogurtcustard

    October 19, 2021 at 1:16 am

    If you’d like to experience a reading, pop along to our weekly readings thread! All readings offered here are completely free of charge, and we have a variety of readers offering a variety of reading types. Some of our readers are beginners, some are very experienced but it’s a great way to experience a reading with no cost to yourself.

    Most of the readers here are psychics, but we have some mediums too. Mediums are those who can connect with the deceased.

    Psychics sometimes use tools such as tarot cards, runes, oracle cards, pendulums or just intuition. Some readers in person use psychometry – that’s where they’ll ask for a item of yours such as a ring or a personal item they can touch and will read the energy from that item. A lot of readers use a combination of all those things.

    Each reader also has their own style so some may require a name, initials, a photograph even, others don’t. You don’t have to have a specific question in mind, though it’s perfectly okay if you do. Some readers prefer to work with a specific question, some prefer to just tell you what they interpret without the boundary of questions.

    It’s wise to be wary of fakes too. Just posting here may elicit an influx to your inbox of offers of readings, I’d advise against interacting with anyone you haven’t contacted first. But fakes exist in real life too. Cold reading is a thing, a little knowledge of body language and a few assumptions based on your age and appearance can be easily crafted into a ‘psychic’ reading. For example, it’s a pretty safe assumption that someone in their 50’s has at least one grandparent passed over, and at least one who fought in the war! Most of us know a John or Dave, and know someone with a red car. Vague generalities and fillers hoping to get you to reveal something you’ll later think they told you. By all means answer any questions but beware of telling them too much. If they ask about a sibling and you say ‘Yes! I have two sisters!’ It’s very easy to remember the conversation afterwards as the reader telling you that you have 2 sisters when actually you told them that!

    But no, It’s not like the movies either I’m afraid! We don’t all sit in darkened candlelit rooms gazing into a crystal ball bedecked in sequin headscarf’s – well not every day at least! Some of us do use crystal balls, but not really so many these days, and most of us prefer a bright and comfy room to work in.

    Get personal recommendations if you can. Reviews, especially online, can be faked. But also keep in mind someone who can connect brilliantly with your friend, may struggle to connect with you. Unfortunately that’s just how it works. As in life we can’t always get on with everyone, as a reader you can’t always connect with every sitter either, and the only way to know for sure is just to try.

    Explore the sub and the weekly reading thread, maybe you’ll see a reader who you like their personality or their comments, then ask on their offer in the weekly reading thread for a reading and take it from there.

    Weekly Reading Offer & Request Thread
    byu/AutoModerator inPsychic

  • pichicagoattorney

    October 19, 2021 at 1:16 am

    I think it’s also some trial and error. You try them out. You’ll know right away which ones are the real deal. There’s some very good ones here that offer free readings. I always try and tip them.

  • yxzyxx

    October 19, 2021 at 1:16 am

    You already sound intuitive. Sorry to sound vague but look within. The answer is already there.

  • Grab-Groundbreaking

    October 19, 2021 at 1:16 am

    Read reviews. A lot of psychics on here can link you to a thread with their reviews.

  • [deleted]

    October 19, 2021 at 1:16 am


  • Zealousideal-Pace763

    October 19, 2021 at 1:16 am

    I would say is look around , think of you would like a in person or over the internet.
    Read reviews and message the person and ask them how they work to see how you feel talking to them? Calm? Anxious? You’ll know yourself when you find the right person

  • TristanR23

    October 19, 2021 at 1:16 am

    From what I could sense from you you had some deeply negative entities attached to you.

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