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    I’ve always been particularly in love with music. More of my day is spent listening to music than not, so I’ve curated a list of the ways I’ve found for witches to use magic in their daily practice. I hope you like reading and that at least one is something you can add to your grimoire.

    \#1. Write a spell song. Spells can take form in many, many ways, and I think that music is one of the lesser used forms. If you play an instrument, you’re probably set, write a song with a certain intention attached and use the music as a way of releasing the energy. I play the kalimba, and with that I imagine the magic flowing through my fingertips into the keys, it’s easy to write music with it and I don’t need anything else. If you don’t play an instrument, I know it sounds daunting, but I recommend getting a kalimba. It’s known as one of the easiest instruments to learn and I, a very untalented person, had it down in two weeks. It’s fun and easy for closet witches.

    \#2. Use music to cleanse a space. Smoke cleansing and bell ringing are the most common cleansing methods I’ve seen, and while they work for many, they also don’t work for everyone. Smoke cleansing is almost impossible with cats, reptiles, or birds in the home, and some have sensitive lungs, not to mention broom closet witches who can’t have their room smelling like sage smoke. Bell ringing is my usual cleansing method, but with smaller bells I find they don’t make enough noise, they aren’t doing much for me. So play cleansing music! If you have an instrument you play (or a music box) you can write a cleansing song like the above method. Or you can play the most obnoxious song in your playlist and that should clear the area of anything unwanted. (If you prefer gentler music that could work for your practice, I personally find that obnoxious loud noises clear rooms of negative energy better.)

    \#3. Use music to enchant something. I’ve had moon water that I wanted to enchant with a very mellow energy, one that would calm me down if I washed my hands with it. My go to option was playing my ocarina to it, I’m not very good so I stuck to a few very soft notes, and I’ve found it to work fairly well. You can play music from your phone, you can probably use music to enchant a tool or a place, or to set a mood. Music is powerful and it can enhance any enchantment if it’s used well.

    \#4. Enchant a music box. This one is easy and available to almost anyone. Thrift stores are almost always stocked on music boxes, and simply charging it with your energy is enough. Meditate with your music box and imagine your energy charging it, your intention could be cleansing, protection, or simply blessing those who hear the music. The idea is that we want the music from the box to have some kind of magical affect. (My altar is a large jewelry box with a music box built in, so I enchanted it with casting a circle every time it plays. I don’t have to worry about casting a circle and it gets me in the mood for spell casting).

    \#5. Raising energy. Music is an energy booster for many, it gives me motivation and it really raises my energy levels. So before you start an energy sucking ritual, play some good, strong music. This can be any music, soft instrumentals or heavy metal, anything that moves you and stirs energy inside of you.

    I hope this list helped you out with your practice, I suggest Blackmores night for ritual music to get you in the mood, it’s very witchy and I love her music. If you like violin music, Lindsey Stirling. She is a goddess with that violin, I highly recommend her to anyone who likes emotional, moving instrumentals. That’s it for this post, if you have any methods of your own please let me know in the comments, I’d love to hear them. Peace and blessings

  • How to use magic in your craft.

  • kai-ote

    September 13, 2022 at 1:48 am

    Long, looped videos on Youtube. Not so much for the visual, but the sound. Ocean waves, a bubbling creek, cat purring for 12 hours, crickets, A rain event, from gentle pitter patter, to a full blown storm with wind and thunder.

    All depends on the mood I am setting. And I have over a thousand songs in my Youtube playlist. Could easily have 5 times that if I wasn’t so lazy.BB.

  • Seabastial

    September 13, 2022 at 1:48 am

    I love playing music whenever I’m doing something related to my practice. If I’m doing a spell I play a song that relates to the spell’s purpose (prosperity, protection, etc). I even have playlists I play during the sabbats I celebrate to bring said sabbat’s energy into my home.

  • AmethystRage

    September 13, 2022 at 1:48 am

    Love this! I use music a lot when I do spell work and find that it really helps to get me in a state of mind. I also like chakra frequencies depending on what I’m manifesting, and I do the same and correlate songs with what my intent is.

    Thanks for sharing!

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