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Forums Forums Mediums I am coming to terms with being a medium.

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    I am not one to sound dramatic, but I am genuinely freaking out as of right now. Experiences are clicking into place, and things are making sense. But, I've always experienced odd occurrences.

    These gifts run in my family, but I am the only one that has them this strong. They started at 13, and things started to be a bit innocent in their prediction and presentation: a dream about class the next day with the exact same wording used, a case of deja vu, etc.

    But the shadow people were showing up, and it caused me to become a bit paranoid. They claimed I had a "psychotic break," but there is no sign of psychosis for me mentally. I keep having visions predicting future passings of people as well as detailed events of one specific person's life.

    I'm not sure why, but there's a lot of physical sensations and we can communicate with just a look. I've dreamed about them before meeting them 12 years ago.

    I'm just a bit shaken up.

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