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Forums Forums Astrology I am skeptical about astrology

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    I want to better understand the merits of astrology, as I assume they exist, but I struggle to see how it could be real. Is there any evidence to support that astrology is valid?

  • I am skeptical about astrology

    musiclistening updated 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Lotusbabes

    January 28, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    It is a simple equation. In a world where infinite possibilities can play out astrology is simply a code to follow energy signatures that manifest and evolve physically. ☺️ A way to read possibilities. Think of it as a language that speaks. If lottery balls coming out of the little air thing, the balls each hold a variant of physical possibility to be played out activating a win for some and loss for others depending on the numbers. There are so many combinations each time will be a bit different. Even if the numbers are the same the time and environment might change. There is nothing to prove about it since it is just possibilities played out. It is to help understanding not to dictate reality.

  • musiclistening

    January 28, 2021 at 3:23 pm

    Well, I’m going to give you one of those answers that reframes the question and doesn’t answer it directly but that hopefully will give you some info.

    For a lot of people it’s largely based on personal experience. While astrology is not a religion and has nothing to with it, I think they’re both similar in that sense. If you ask someone who believes in God why they believe, they won’t give you a scientific reason. They will say that it came from a personal experience and that their faith works for them and is useful in their lives. I think if you want to discover for yourself if God exists or if you want to experience a spiritual experience, you have to be with those who have been involved with those things for a long time. You can convince yourself why it’s all bullshit and see the point of view of the skeptic, but you know nothing about the point of view of the religious believer.

    Luckily, astrology is not a religion, and you don’t have people who try to “convert” others to astrology (although, some people try lol). You can totally dabble with it and you don’t have to believe in it 100% (unlike some–but not all–religions who will say you will go to hell if you don’t have unshakeable faith).

    The “end goal” is also up to you. The reason people use astrology (well, the complicated form because daily horoscopes and sun sign compatibility is kinda just bona-fide bullshit lol) is to gain insight into a period of your life, yourself, your relationships, etc. It can explain why some periods were difficult for you and why some relationships were so successful. It can also prepare you for future periods in your life. You can kinda get like a forecast of your life and what lessons you should focus on. You can also troubleshoot relationships. You can work on past wounds. There’s a lot of potential there.

    In the end, though, I’d just say to not take it too seriously. It may become a part of your life and it may not. It may really help you or you might just never be convinced. Regardless, I think it’s pretty interesting. Just see it as a thought experiment at first.

    As for the evidence (and this is me just me talking hypothetically), I suppose the movements of the planets could have an effect on our mental and emotional states. I mean, the moon seems to affect people in both their moods and their bodies. Maybe the same could be said about the planets. I don’t know. I don’t know any sources of strong scientific evidence myself, but there are books written by skeptics who eventually found some value in astrology.

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