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Forums Forums Mediums I believe today I heard my spirit guide speak to me.

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    I'm slightly Clairaudient, and I've recently developed some level of Clairaudience. I can be a very angry pessimistic person in my lone time, and I hate the idea of a god or spirit guides. Because of the suffering that exists in this world. Today I was self loathing in my head like usual. My constant angry thoughts that I have every day were. "My life sucks, I hate the world, if there's any higher power including spirit guides who sit there, and just watch us suffer, and die. And they think that suffering is just a necessary thing a part of our own growth. They're either evil or f#cking crazy!!!"
    I swear to God immediately after that I heard out loud a Female voice around me. I heard literally a young lady's laughter, and I heard a full sentence. I usually hear partial words but I heard a woman's voice clear as day. "I'm not crazy I'm like festive". The sound of her voice sounded both amused, and joyful.

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