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Forums Forums Mediums I did a tarot reading for myself and what they told me was very good

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    So I had the sudden urge to ask my spirits and spirit guides a question using the tarot cards to get a firm answer for now. As I was doing it I shut my door and relaxed and said a few things to get things started and cleansed the energy within my self the cards and surrounding me.

    As I did my reading to my question everything that I got was very good. It seems that I’m letting go of the past and ready to move on to new and greater things for me. Yet I still fear pain but that I can work on letting go.

    Overall everything seemed very good and as I was nearing a closing session. Only one card came out and it was upside and it was very good and pretty much confirmed what I thought that cards were saying so overall I’m happy with my reading.

    It seems at least to me that I’m able to channel more than before with cards of course. Never really tried without them. But I’m happy with my outcome.

    Thank you for reading.

  • I did a tarot reading for myself and what they told me was very good

     lemonnnngrabbb updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • posties13

    December 10, 2021 at 8:05 pm

    Bravo on letting go and moving forward. xx

Reply to: lemonnnngrabbb
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