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Forums Forums Mediums I don’t know what I’m seeing I’m new to this and it’s scary!

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    Recently my abilities are getting stronger I guess I am seeing entities/ spirits whatever they are more clearly for a split second but it is SCARY.

    At first I’d see shadow people
    Then from the side of my eye I’d see something standing but it would be like a color/ brownish thing.

    A couple of months ago I saw something that was taking the shape of my bf but was growing horns and the face was moving around it did want to scare me and it I got scared I screamed, I looked away then I looked back and I still ended up screaming my bf thought I’m being dramatic.

    Last night I almost had a heart attack. I was smudging the place and I was alone (we are renting out an oooold house and we have roommates) I said any unwanted spirits and entities I command you to leave may this space be filled with love transformation and healing. As I was extinguishing the sage I turned around and I see an angry/annoyed woman behind me and screamed so loud it disappeared (it looked like me except I don’t wear these clothes etc)

    I stayed shaking and then my bf came and was really annoyed it sounds like I’m mentally I’ll but I know I’m not.

    Please help me with what I’m seeing I was shaking! I only see things this vividly at our shared house and I do suspect entities living there.

  • I don’t know what I’m seeing I’m new to this and it’s scary!

     Cocolover99 updated 1 year, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • ForkMasterPlus

    November 4, 2022 at 3:15 am


    I believe you that you are not mentally I’ll and that you are seeing these scary things.

    I’m sorry you’re experiencing it! It can be alarming.

    May I first suggest you at least RULE OUT any mental illness? I did so as well, as I always had a small fear I was schizophrenic. Once I researched, spoke to a few mental health professionals (explained some things I felt and saw) I was able to embrace and fully protect and develop my abilities.

    Please, in no way take this as me stating it is mental illness. It is just very important for growth to at the least consider and rule it out the best you can without any doubts.

  • RicottaPuffs

    November 4, 2022 at 3:15 am

    Search psychic protection on this sub. Start looking for literature that can help you to cope. Rule out medical issues.

    Take care. Fear is not the best way to react. They are spirits. Your preconceived notions of what spirits are, can make emerging abilities frightening. So, work on not reacting with fear. I know. Easier said than done. Lifetime mediums, learn not to jump or to react. We also earn to seek help from more experienced mediums if we are in over our heads. If needed get references for experienced psychopomps from friends, relatives or local metaphysical stores and hire someone who can help.

    I recommend reading Journey of Souls, as well.

  • ForkMasterPlus

    November 4, 2022 at 3:15 am

    Let me ALSO add to do protections around yourself. Imagine a pure stream of light coming down through your head and crown chakra and filling your entire body. Spread that light outwards in a “bubble” at least 6 feets (I do less because I am a medium and welcome spirits at times.)

  • SheKnowsThemWell

    November 4, 2022 at 3:15 am

    The reason many people get caught up in the “is this mental illness or psychic ability” dilemma is because people who are newer to experiencing visions or clairvoyance often have turbulent reactions to what they experience. And the turbulence is what triggers the mental illness theory. I still get spooked til this day. It takes a while to adjust to

    Don’t get me wrong, you could be a Medium and still suffer from mental illness. Some mediums have a difficult rite of passage, and this can come with some scar tissue. There is no shame in that game. But like someone else mentioned, it doesn’t hurt to get a professional opinion. It’s good self care/spiritual hygiene and it helps to clear up any confusion. The more organized you are mentally, the better command you’ll be able to have over your skill.

    Now in terms of the sage experience, it is possible to aggravate spirits. Especially if you aren’t using the right approach. I remember we did a short stint in a house in a very woodsy area in one of the most haunted states in the US. There was definitely paranormal activity in the space. It was an abandoned house that my aunt and uncle managed to flip and let us stay in temporarily before their first tenant moved in.

    I was young and over confident and got a bunch of sage and started throwing around threats at the spirits thinking I was some sort of badass. They quickly put me in my place.. haha 😆😛

    I had to end up consulting in a professional and she informed me that I was irritating the spirits because I was being invasive, commanding, and antagonistic. Not every spirit is malicious and intending to cause harm. Some spirits have made a space their home and just don’t know how to move on. And when you come in and try to intimidate them, they will retaliate. I learned that lesson the hard way. Spirits are big on respect and a considerate approach often works best. This goes for even the more unpleasant entities you might wish to banish.

    Light some Palo Santo and some incense as a peace offering, open your windows, clean the space (scrub the floors and walls especially), play some nice music, make the atmosphere more flattering. And maybe consult with your local botanica for further instruction/advice if the problem still persists after that.

  • [deleted]

    November 4, 2022 at 3:15 am

    I’m so sorry this is happening. I will DM you some tips

  • TattoedBacon

    November 4, 2022 at 3:15 am

    Andrea Perron (from the story behind the movie The Conjuring) has great perspective on how to deal with this. She’s written three books about her family’s wild experiences with the paranormal. I think you could benefit by reading the first one.

  • AnaAlesea

    November 4, 2022 at 3:15 am

    Got more healing to do before your ready to proceed.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 4, 2022 at 3:15 am

    Do you ground, center, and shield?

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