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Forums Forums Tarot I don’t know what to do with this information…

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    For context, I did a Past/Present/Future reading in regards to a relationship with a really close friend I had a bad argument with late last year, and felt I’d ask if there was a chance this fallout would eventually end and things would get better for us again.


    The Future card wound up being a Hanged Man.


    Like, I’m glad it’s not a Ten of Swords or anything, but I don’t even know how to interpret this in regards to this situation.


    Is it telling me that I shouldn’t keep torturing myself over this? Is it telling me to not push the issue for the time being and work on my own issues for now?


    I legitimately hate this card, it’s the biggest non-answer of the bunch and there’s so many possible ways to look at it that I know even less now than I did before I asked.


    Edit: At first, I didn’t think they’d be important given the context of the question and I already kind of gathered the meaning of the Past and Present cards on their own, but the first two pulls were the Ace of Wands and Page of Pentacles respectively.


    It’s just the Hanged Man result in regards to this question that’s been driving me bloody MAD.

  • I don’t know what to do with this information…

    CardCounselor updated 3 years, 2 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • Celadon94

    February 10, 2021 at 9:00 pm

    The Hanged Man is asking you to “let it be.” Now is not the time to reach out; let some time pass before making any kind of move. The Hanged Man isn’t giving you a definite answer to your question, but it is giving you good advice. Sometimes feelings need a while to dissipate.

  • CannedTowels

    February 10, 2021 at 9:00 pm

    To me the Hanged Man is about perspectives, so I’d read it as a positive sign that you and your friend might find a way to understand each other’s reasoning and feelings, or at least accept that in some some disagreements (like maybe this one) no one’s right or wrong. I don’t know what the argument was about or what are your thoughts on the other cards, so it’s hard to figure out something more

  • CardCounselor

    February 10, 2021 at 9:00 pm

    To me the hanged man is a symbol of patience and self-sacrifice. This is an uncomfortable position for you to be in, you want it to be over. The hanged man is telling you that it isn’t necessarily within your power to fix this: you have to wait, let things settle and wait until your friend comes to you before you can begin to repair this friendship—and when that happens, be prepared to humble yourself. You see the ace and the page as your efforts to improve and grow from this, but your friend hasn’t necessarily seen that change yet and may still be hurting. It’s a tough card to get, but I don’t think it’s ambiguous.

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